Using Python & Tkinter to interact with a Graphviz Digraph

Hi, I’ve been working on a Python code to automate node colours on a directed graph to track progress on project tasks. However, I’d like to evolve it to the point where I can select nodes and edges to edit (or add or delete) direct on the screen with mouse/keyboard interaction.

I was looking at Tkinter canvas but I haven’t found a way to import a dot graph to dispaly in the canvas let alone click on nodes etc. to identify them. Can someone point me in the right direction with either a few commands to research or a tutorial or three?

Failing that, is there an alternative to Tkinter canvas that might work as a screen interface? I’m running Windows 10.Thanks in adcance.


A direction i would recommend is to look into exporting svg. All svg elements become available in the DOM tree of the browser and can be worked with in Javascript.

To give you some ideas: Interactive SVGs (

There is a tool Excel to Graphviz that also includes svg postprocessing , which creates graphs where edges are highlighted linking to nodes after clicking on the node.

after clcicking on node a