Hi Steve. the problem is that most examles are lijk that I showed above. Copy paste into a notebook does NOT work, I have to work a bit different e.g.
g = Digraph(…)
g.node(“a”, …)
finally a
shows the graph
The main difference is ALL commands are between { and } , while in the Jupyter Notebook
the Digraph has ( and ) for only for example
from graphviz import Digraph
dot = Digraph(comment=‘The Round Table’)
followed by
Add edge between 1 and 2
and NOT like the post I started.
Hi Mark,
I have a github account and put there notebooks … etc,
But is it possible to include here so to as an attachment?
Today and tomorrowmoring I am not online (have to bring my wife to a hospital (150 km away from home and operation) …
In Dutch “Mantelzorger werk” …
You could ask the folks over at sympy. This is the forum for Graphviz, the software that can render that code output by dotprint, but we don’t really know anything about sympy.
Thanks Mark,
I think I understand what you mean .
Clear I hope, have to convert the sympy output what graphwizard in my Python Notebook needs.
the problem is: I added graphviz to my Anaconda3 for the Jupyler Notebook, which works nicely in
the Notebooks, BUT it is not that ‘normal’ graphviz users use normally.