Graph formatting (1. Centralising clusters, 2. Avoiding edge intersections)

Hi all, I have 2 questions regarding the formatting of the graph shown below.

  1. I would like to ask if it is possible to centralise the clusters as shown in the photo below?

  2. Also, may I ask how I should avoid situations that create unnecessary edge intersections such as the photo shown below?


Can you provide your source?

Hi @steveroush ,

digraph {
	0	[label="ab685dac-53c6-47cb-bd8c-2b763154df49"];
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	25	[label="de774b1c-42bd-449c-8bdf-d7cefc7d34d2"];
	1 -> 25;
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	24	[label="5ba9993d-8ca6-409b-8cbb-1abe0e4ef752"];
	2 -> 24;
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	3 -> 25;
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	4 -> 26;
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	5 -> 24;
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	6 -> 26;
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	7 -> 24;
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	11 -> 5;
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	12 -> 4;
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	13 -> 3;
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	23	[label="f43d97b9-02c2-410c-b33e-7081dee090c6"];
	14 -> 23;
	15	[label="9874fc36-0d76-402c-b4e1-426616a9a844"];
	21	[label="82033c6f-6784-4354-b5dd-3f1af1eb0af7"];
	15 -> 21;
	16	[label="6778506b-2879-402e-8fb2-16a181c93de6"];
	22	[label="e8045cab-1313-4aed-8ae2-9c175f3907be"];
	16 -> 22;
	17	[label="37ff8002-058e-450e-b28d-2249562f1507"];
	20	[label="04806d6c-be6f-4389-83e3-e39776973c8d"];
	17 -> 20;
	18	[label="117a7813-bb9e-4d24-8409-d09cca3d10de"];
	19	[label="f4dba1f3-634a-47ab-8300-c973f23258f8"];
	18 -> 19;
	35	[label="1b8b6543-5562-4af7-96cd-f71175201429"];
	19 -> 35;
	34	[label="6294b6e8-de49-439b-9379-dc7978268865"];
	20 -> 34;
	33	[label="a0eda76b-2874-4e97-930f-d8269068e0a4"];
	21 -> 33;
	32	[label="6de9478b-e6dc-4e10-99a6-6b033c4caae5"];
	22 -> 32;
	36	[label="e401e6f1-6e08-46b2-b91c-3c29c345c76b"];
	23 -> 36;
	24 -> 15;
	24 -> 18;
	25 -> 16;
	26 -> 14;
	26 -> 17;
	27	[label="e66806e0-d2d7-4eaa-a241-871cab284c95"];
	29	[label="3fb89e3f-2b29-4f89-93e2-49e07e82fad9"];
	27 -> 29;
	28	[label="56bc7363-aaf5-48a5-b946-8db8903240f7"];
	28 -> 12;
	29 -> 11;
	30	[label="6b2dff82-a9b6-4449-89cf-1536063ba786"];
	30 -> 11;
	31	[label="c60891bf-763e-4ea4-b21b-4c6536ee7735"];
	31 -> 13;
	37	[label="d3cd3893-7001-41f8-ae68-41bda9bf1f0d"];
	32 -> 37;
	40	[label="f8db0486-c942-4ea2-bac0-da8332766c19"];
	33 -> 40;
	39	[label="c201ce38-babb-48dd-83e6-32d5d7e68885"];
	34 -> 39;
	41	[label="9b304aa8-9306-43f7-a9ba-3f33078bebed"];
	35 -> 41;
	38	[label="f84613f4-5899-4cbf-bc37-6b11efe6bfa1"];
	36 -> 38;
	51	[label="8f0fdf07-5c63-4fd5-b5c7-aadaf387cdfe"];
	37 -> 51;
	52	[label="82b75274-aaae-4d9f-b8e5-e96ab13fd428"];
	38 -> 52;
	53	[label="66fd5c05-b7df-4c8e-bdd7-745af447fdc4"];
	39 -> 53;
	50	[label="56387a03-fb26-49a5-893b-2e1965e564b2"];
	40 -> 50;
	54	[label="cb063cea-03e5-45dd-9743-6364fea3bce3"];
	41 -> 54;
	42	[label="a9933610-96f8-482a-9f15-2c5a3ec04e26"];
	46	[label="d204956a-0fc8-430e-9abd-37e25f240358"];
	42 -> 46;
	47	[label="3e26c35d-eaed-4cbe-9937-879ded6a30f4"];
	42 -> 47;
	48	[label="d587ca6d-621b-4d6f-881e-684a83c000d2"];
	42 -> 48;
	43	[label="d70d9f7f-f1af-47ef-8653-3b8e7220adf8"];
	43 -> 28;
	43 -> 30;
	44	[label="3830528e-9d99-468d-8e9f-b46b84dbe564"];
	44 -> 31;
	45	[label="996c17d4-f300-44f9-acc3-1cba4b94fd4a"];
	45 -> 6;
	45 -> 7;
	46 -> 45;
	47 -> 43;
	48 -> 44;
	49	[label="65462aed-928c-481d-ab7b-f49c3d04f1c8"];

digraph {
0 [label=“ab685dac-53c6-47cb-bd8c-2b763154df49”];
26 [label=“8b80a59b-abc1-4500-8b21-d6a6ae5ad4eb”];
0 → 26;
1 [label=“b2db2a05-f586-4efb-a023-bd18b8e4eec2”];
25 [label=“de774b1c-42bd-449c-8bdf-d7cefc7d34d2”];
1 → 25;
2 [label=“72d56c0f-b11b-4c1b-bcb7-c9649e8cd912”];
24 [label=“5ba9993d-8ca6-409b-8cbb-1abe0e4ef752”];
2 → 24;
3 [label=“c14de66d-016d-4dee-ab85-a2e9b60fb941”];
3 → 25;
4 [label=“ca1406f6-e620-4b5c-96d6-36fce47d6120”];
4 → 26;
5 [label=“d5e6e0cb-04c7-46a4-939b-9638b79e02b6”];
5 → 24;
6 [label=“27d8c5ed-f557-4641-b6c5-96d09347ff69”];
6 → 26;
7 [label=“ca3b038b-ee3a-4558-afb8-cd7626512bbb”];
7 → 24;
8 [label=“49051dd6-3456-44da-9d9c-51bdca652acb”];
8 → 0;
9 [label=“466a93ed-588d-44e6-966d-8f0304be3568”];
9 → 1;
10 [label=“521fc552-6948-40a0-9d61-372c187157a2”];
10 → 2;
11 [label=“d651a156-472e-4030-bb3f-2b61ed67d295”];
11 → 5;
12 [label=“3cdd3cb7-0aa6-4af4-95c7-cade81be64da”];
12 → 4;
13 [label=“f1e2a1c3-eb78-45fb-a716-12f8788005fe”];
13 → 3;
14 [label=“55c5f279-2394-436a-a373-b45258b21128”];
23 [label=“f43d97b9-02c2-410c-b33e-7081dee090c6”];
14 → 23;
15 [label=“9874fc36-0d76-402c-b4e1-426616a9a844”];
21 [label=“82033c6f-6784-4354-b5dd-3f1af1eb0af7”];
15 → 21;
16 [label=“6778506b-2879-402e-8fb2-16a181c93de6”];
22 [label=“e8045cab-1313-4aed-8ae2-9c175f3907be”];
16 → 22;
17 [label=“37ff8002-058e-450e-b28d-2249562f1507”];
20 [label=“04806d6c-be6f-4389-83e3-e39776973c8d”];
17 → 20;
18 [label=“117a7813-bb9e-4d24-8409-d09cca3d10de”];
19 [label=“f4dba1f3-634a-47ab-8300-c973f23258f8”];
18 → 19;
35 [label=“1b8b6543-5562-4af7-96cd-f71175201429”];
19 → 35;
34 [label=“6294b6e8-de49-439b-9379-dc7978268865”];
20 → 34;
33 [label=“a0eda76b-2874-4e97-930f-d8269068e0a4”];
21 → 33;
32 [label=“6de9478b-e6dc-4e10-99a6-6b033c4caae5”];
22 → 32;
36 [label=“e401e6f1-6e08-46b2-b91c-3c29c345c76b”];
23 → 36;
24 → 15;
24 → 18;
25 → 16;
26 → 14;
26 → 17;
27 [label=“e66806e0-d2d7-4eaa-a241-871cab284c95”];
29 [label=“3fb89e3f-2b29-4f89-93e2-49e07e82fad9”];
27 → 29;
28 [label=“56bc7363-aaf5-48a5-b946-8db8903240f7”];
28 → 12;
29 → 11;
30 [label=“6b2dff82-a9b6-4449-89cf-1536063ba786”];
30 → 11;
31 [label=“c60891bf-763e-4ea4-b21b-4c6536ee7735”];
31 → 13;
37 [label=“d3cd3893-7001-41f8-ae68-41bda9bf1f0d”];
32 → 37;
40 [label=“f8db0486-c942-4ea2-bac0-da8332766c19”];
33 → 40;
39 [label=“c201ce38-babb-48dd-83e6-32d5d7e68885”];
34 → 39;
41 [label=“9b304aa8-9306-43f7-a9ba-3f33078bebed”];
35 → 41;
38 [label=“f84613f4-5899-4cbf-bc37-6b11efe6bfa1”];
36 → 38;
51 [label=“8f0fdf07-5c63-4fd5-b5c7-aadaf387cdfe”];
37 → 51;
52 [label=“82b75274-aaae-4d9f-b8e5-e96ab13fd428”];
38 → 52;
53 [label=“66fd5c05-b7df-4c8e-bdd7-745af447fdc4”];
39 → 53;
50 [label=“56387a03-fb26-49a5-893b-2e1965e564b2”];
40 → 50;
54 [label=“cb063cea-03e5-45dd-9743-6364fea3bce3”];
41 → 54;
42 [label=“a9933610-96f8-482a-9f15-2c5a3ec04e26”];
46 [label=“d204956a-0fc8-430e-9abd-37e25f240358”];
42 → 46;
47 [label=“3e26c35d-eaed-4cbe-9937-879ded6a30f4”];
42 → 47;
48 [label=“d587ca6d-621b-4d6f-881e-684a83c000d2”];
42 → 48;
43 [label=“d70d9f7f-f1af-47ef-8653-3b8e7220adf8”];
43 → 28;
43 → 30;
44 [label=“3830528e-9d99-468d-8e9f-b46b84dbe564”];
44 → 31;
45 [label=“996c17d4-f300-44f9-acc3-1cba4b94fd4a”];
45 → 6;
45 → 7;
46 → 45;
47 → 43;
48 → 44;
49 [label=“65462aed-928c-481d-ab7b-f49c3d04f1c8”];

This is the output from the anonymizer program provided previously.


Not sure which anonymizer you used (please point to it), but it seems that there is no anonymizer that handles clusters.

Until a useful anonymizer appears, we will try to move forward.

  • There is no graph-level or cluster-level attribute that means “line clusters symmetrically”. It is very difficult to adjust cluster positions. (it would be a nice enhancement)
  • Neither is there a way to tell dot “be extra careful about node & edge placement” (another nice enhancement)
  • However, the group attribute (group | Graphviz) might help sweet-talk nodes into alignment and then the clusters that contain them. At this moment I don’t remember if group works across clusters. Also, group is easier to apply manually than programmatically.
  • Another way to align clusters would be to pad them with invisible nodes (ugh, not my first choice)
  • Just remembered: osage see: Is there a way to draw "desks" (2 boxes side by side and 2 below them) without using arrows on graphviz?
    How can I center nodes in a Graphviz cluster? - #5 by steveroush
  • Side note: have you tried other spline types? That wouldn’t rearrange the clusters or nodes, but might help the edge intersections.

Hi @steveroush,

I tried using splines ortho and it seems to give cleaner results.

However, situations like these occur in which the edge runs parallel too close to the node. How should I prevent this?

And although this is a small issue, the lines leave a small gap and do not touch the nodes at the end.


[whine, we really need to get a more useful anonymizer. By eyeball:]

  • ortho is a bit of a problem child. Maybe try increasing nodesep and ranksep to give the ortho router more room to work in. And you might try increasing margin at the cluster-level.
  • not sure about the gaps at the end of the arrowheads. There have been improvements in that code fairly recently, what version of Graphviz are you using? (type dot -V)

If you create a Gitlab issue describing the requirements, we can probably implement such a thing within Graphviz itself. If the basic operation is “rename all entities”, should be trivial. Though I am not sure how to deal with renamed labels affecting layout.

I agree. My attempt became quicksand.
The killer problems were HTML & Record labels - both the text & the port names.
And there are probably more issues lurking in the corners.

  1. This is the anonymizer I’m using.
  1. This is the graphviz version - 9.0.0 (20230911.1827). I’m actually using the python api.
    API Reference — graphviz 0.20.3 documentation

  2. Regarding the small gap between the edges and the node, I’ve realised that its because of the default node margin value which also affects the head and tails of edges. The gap disappears when setting node margin to (0, 0). I did not encounter this problem previously as I was able to set ports for the nodes despite setting margin. However, ports do not work with ortho and I removed ports, resulting in the problem surfacing.

This is when the margin is set to (0, 0).

This is when the margin is set to (1, 1).

I was wondering if the above 2 problems could be resolved if the node margin could be set to (0,0) without affecting the heads and tails of edges (although I’m not sure how to achieve that)?
