Installing GraphViz on Protege 5.5 Mac OS

I am using Protege 5.5 and needs GraphViz to visualise the ontology.
I have followed the instructions in Download | Graphviz
But I am not sure what is the right port for me …

If any can please help in this urgent issue.

When I used Protege 3 and 4 earlier, it was easier by inserting the path of Graphviz.

I am not sure what Protege is and an internet search turns up nothing relevant, but I assume that is not required knowledge for this question. You are probably best off installing Graphviz from either Macports or Homebrew that take the hard work out of building and packaging.

Any guide that you can refer for building and packaging ?

Appreciate it

For installing from Macports or Homebrew, you are best off referring to their websites that give good introductions to what they are and how you would use them to install software like Graphviz.

If you’re asking how you would build Graphviz yourself from source, you should probably refer to the paths for “Darwin” in the ci/ we run in regular testing. In short, you probably want something like:

git clone -b 2.47.0
cd graphviz
./configure --prefix=/opt/graphviz-2.47.0 --with-quartz=yes
make install

This will build and install Graphviz 2.47.0 to /opt/graphviz-2.47.0. To get this working though, you will need all the build dependencies we install in CI,

Thanks … I executed the commands …
I was able to found the directory. However, only Graphviz has been installed but all library dependencies are not created yet.

Can you please provide me all required commands to create the required dependencies.
My Mac version is 11.

I need Graphviz on Protege 5.5 tool.

Sorry, I am not quite sure what you mean by this. You mean the make install step did not also install, e.g., libgvc?

I think you are probably better off using Homebrew or Macports as I mentioned above. Their sites should explain how to install Graphviz from their repositories, which will take care of dependency resolution etc. Is there any reason you need to build Graphviz from source?

Yes when I make install, the Graph viz folder is created in directory. However, the terminal couldn’t show me the library installations.
Is there is any relation to the Mac OS version. ?

This happened the same with the Homebrew.

The Graphviz binaries will end up in the bin/ folder, while libraries will end up in a lib/ folder. Homebrew may put libraries somewhere under /usr/lib/ but I am not a macOS expert.