Hello I created a dot graphique by usinng images on a old laptop and the pdf render was good but when I wanted to try on my new computer this message appere on screen while i touched to nothing can somebody help me please.
Please show the input file and the command line you used
Uploading: aatrox.jpg…
Uploading: graphe.dot…
dot -Tpdf graphe.dot -o graphe.png
Uploading: aatrox.jpg…
Uploading: graphe.dot…
digraph G {
aa[label = " " ,image= “aatrox.png”,shape=none];
dot -Tpdf graphe.dot -o graphe.png
The above posting mentions (but does not include) aatrox.jpg, while the input file references aatrox.png (note the different suffix)
Does the file aatrox.png exist and is it the same directory as the input file?
I think the bigger problem here is:
… -Tpdf … -o ….png
You will find better luck pairing -Tpdf
with a .pdf
output or -Tpng
with a .png