Hi, im new to Graphviz and going through the installation process for diagrams as code. I have followed the installation for Graphviz and Diagrams (Installation · Diagrams).
When i run the code and generate the file, its not displaying any the images. Any ideas ?
Note that Diagrams is not part of Graphviz and I have no idea where poetry is coming from. However, the problem is probably that Graphviz can’t find the three image files.
Can you find the three image files (lb.png, web.png, userdb.png) on your computer? (use windows search if necessary) [I am guessing that **png** is the correct suffix, it may not be]
If you can find the three image files
do they display correctly if you click on them? (are they good files?)
what directory (folder) are they in? (Graphviz has to find them)
are they in the same directory as your diagram/python file?