I will gladly share the code if that helps.
Here is the first one.
[dot verbose=true scale=0.5]
graph G {
node [shape=circle, labelloc=b, fixedsize=true, width=1, penwidth=2]
edge [penwidth=2]
// rankdir="LR"
Kaat [color = black]
Thomas [color = black]
Izumi [color = black]
MaleMaran [label="Male \n Maran" color = black]
Luna [color = black]
Roxie [color = black]
Mimi [color = black]
Zuzako [color = black]
Hibiki [color = black]
Maran [color = black]
Kate [color = black, group="KI"]
No1 [shape=octagon, color = red style=filled,label="",height=.1,width=.1, group="KI"]
Irena [color = black, group="KI"]
Mizuki [color = black]
No2 [shape=octagon, color = red style=filled,label="",height=.1,width=.1]
No3 [shape=octagon, color = red style=filled,label="",height=.1,width=.1]
subgraph JandJ_Crew {
label="J&J Crew"
subgraph KXT {
color = Pink
subgraph IXMM {
color = Pink
subgraph KIM {
// rank=same;Kate;No1;Irena
Kaat -- Thomas [color = Pink, minlen=10]
Kaat -- Izumi [color = Pink]
Izumi -- MaleMaran [color = Pink, minlen=10]
Thomas -- MaleMaran [color = green]
Kaat -- MaleMaran [color = yellow]
Thomas -- Izumi [color = yellow]
Thomas -- Izumi [color = Pink, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Izumi -- Thomas [color = Pink, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Luna -- Kaat [color = orange]
Luna -- Thomas [color = orange]
Roxie -- Kaat [color = orange]
Roxie -- Thomas [color = orange]
Roxie -- Luna [color = orange]
Luna -- Izumi [color = yellow]
Luna -- MaleMaran [color = yellow]
Roxie -- Izumi [color = yellow]
Roxie -- MaleMaran [color = yellow]
Mimi -- Kaat [color = yellow]
Mimi -- Thomas [color = yellow]
Mimi -- Luna [color = yellow]
Mimi -- Roxie [color = yellow]
Mimi -- Izumi [color = yellow]
Mimi -- MaleMaran [color = yellow]
Mimi -- Thomas [color = Pink, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Mimi -- MaleMaran [color = Pink, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Hibiki -- Kaat [color = orange]
Hibiki -- Thomas [color = orange]
Hibiki -- Roxie [color = orange]
Hibiki -- Luna [color = yellow]
Hibiki -- Mimi [color = yellow]
Hibiki -- Izumi [color = yellow]
Hibiki -- MaleMaran [color = yellow]
Maran -- MaleMaran [color = blue]
Maran -- Izumi [color = yellow]
Maran -- Izumi [color = red, lhead="IXMM", dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Maran -- Kaat [color = yellow]
Maran -- Thomas [color = yellow]
Maran -- Roxie [color = yellow]
Maran -- Luna [color = yellow]
Maran -- Mimi [color = yellow]
Maran -- Hibiki [color = yellow]
Maran -- Thomas [color = Pink, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Luna -- Thomas [color = Pink, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Roxie -- Thomas [color = Pink, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Hibiki -- Thomas [color = Pink, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Zuzako -- Thomas [color = Pink, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Kate -- Kaat [color = blue]
Irena -- Thomas [color = blue]
Mizuki -- Luna [color = blue]
Kate -- Thomas [color = yellow]
Irena -- Kaat [color = yellow]
Kate -- Thomas [color = red, lhead="KXT", dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Irena -- Thomas [color = red, lhead="KXT", dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Kate -- No1 [color = yellow, minlen=1]
Irena -- No1 [color = yellow, minlen=1]
Kaat -- No1 [color = red, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Thomas -- No1 [color = red, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Irena -- Mizuki [color = yellow]
Kate -- Mizuki [color = yellow]
Mizuki -- No2 [color = orange, style=dashed]
No2 -- Thomas [color = orange, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Luna -- No2 [color = red, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Thomas -- No2 [color = red, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Mizuki -- No3 [color = orange, style=dashed]
No3 -- MaleMaran [color = orange, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
MaleMaran -- No3 [color = red, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Luna -- MaleMaran [color = orange, style=dashed, dir=forward, arrowhead=normal]
Here is an image of the original relationship web I made in PowerPoint for reference.
I figure what I learn from this one will help with the others.