Size issue when generating image files

I am using Graphiz to create my family tree (DOT type); It’s awesome !
However, since my tree has grown in number of people, I am having problems with graph generation.
At first, it was a generation problem when reading the GV file; since I run out of memory on my PC, the problem is solved, but I cannot save the image as an image file (PNG or JPG).
Is there a solution?
Thank you for your ideas

Try -Tsvg. Svg files can be directly viewed with most/all web browsers.

As a guess, you may be building graphs that are too wide for the png & jpeg standards. You might look for ways to make your nodes narrower - maybe add newlines (line breaks) to the text.

Awesome; it’s ok with a SVG file; I was even able to convert my SVG file to JPG
Thank you !
Indeed, my image is very large: 23000 x 4000 pixels!
In fact, it is difficult to reduce a family tree in width; however, each box only has one word per line.
The problem is that all the ancestors of the same generation are positioned on the same line; however, there may be 200 ancestors for the same generation; it would be necessary to be able to generate graphs where the same generation would be on several lines; I do not know how to do.

[I think this will work, but I haven’t tested it]
Use the minlen edge attribute (Attributes | Graphviz) to split a very wide rank into multiple ranks.
So, add minlen=2 to ~ half of the edges leading to a wide rank to split it into two ranks
add minlen=2 to ~ one-third of the edges and minlen=3 to ~ another third of the edges leading to a wide rank to split it into three ranks

Thank you for your reply
However, I am not familiar with the software and I do not know where to integrate these settings (software? GV file?)
Maybe could you point me to some documentation that could help me

here is an extract from my GV file to define a son (1) and his 2 parents (2 and 3):

digraph G {
node [shape = box];
node [fontsize = 16];
node [fontname = Tahoma];
1 [label = “ROULLET Bernard”];
2 [label = “ROULLET Pierre”];
3 [label = “SOLVIGNON Bernadette”];
2-> 1;
3-> 1;

Where can we put “minlen”?
Should we put it on all the nodes?

Two good sources of documentation:

Minlen is documented here: Attributes | Graphviz

So: 3-> 1 [minlen=2]