Hello everyone,
I’m really new in Graphviz. Can someone tell me how I can see the graph which is made in dot.exe and save it somewhere?
I saw many tutorial of graph making, but found no tutorial of using graphviz - see and save the graph and so on. Can anyone tell me where I can find the good tutorials?
Thanks a lot!
[I assume you are planning on using Graphviz on Windows. While I don’t create graphs on Windows (I use Linux for that work), I’ve just tested my answer on Windows.]
There is no single right answer to your question, but maybe this will help.
Using a text editor (notepad, emacs, vim, …), create a dot input file. Save it with a .gv suffix. Save it in a convenient folder (directory). Maybe Documents, if that works for you.
Bring up a “Command” window (type cmd in the Windows search area)
In the “Command” window, type cd Documents (or whatever folder that contains your file)
Then type dot -Tpng myfile.gv >myfile.png (note that you can create other file types, not just png files)
Bring up the File Explorer and go to the folder where you have created your files.
Click on the myfile.png file to open (display) it.