I am getting into gvpr scripts! 
I have labels like the following in my dot file:
mynode [shape=myitem, label=< toki pona | sina pilin seme? >]
and I want to convert them with gvpr
mynode [shape=record, label=< { <i>toki pona</i> | sina pilin seme? } >]
So I tried:
string parts[int];
if (index($.label, "|") > 0) {
split($.label, parts, "|");
$.label = "{<i>" + parts[1] + "</i>|" + parts[2]+"}";
However I get the error “bad label format {| sina pilin seme? }”. I guess this is due to the HTML-like nature of the source label. Do I need to use the html()
function? (If so what do I use for graph g
Even when I take the italics directive <i>...</i>
out, I get only
mynode [label="{| sina pilin seme? }", shape=record];
which shows parts[1]
does not seem to polulte the first part “toki pona” of the source string.
How can I fix these two issues?
want to
Yes you need the magic html function. Also remember that split starts indexing at 0, not 1.
string parts[int];
if (index($.label, "|") > 0) {
split($.label, parts, "|");
// added call to **html** and reduced indexes by 1
$.label = html($G,"{<i>" + parts[0] + "</i>|" + parts[1]+"}");
Thanks Steve. Good to know about $G
However, when I try the html()
function exactly as suggested, I get gibberish back as the label text in the gvpr output:
mynode [label="`ÕÉ", shape=record];
(plus some warnings on the command line like “Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()”)
Even if i don’t use the parts
array at all and set the label to a fixed string:
if (index($.label, "|") > 0) {
$.label = html($G, "Hallo");
I get
mynode [label="¨15", shape=record];
Any idea what to do?
Please show the input (.gv) file
I attach the dot file and the gvpr script (renamed to
from adjust.gvpr to adjust.txt):
ad-changed.dot (978 Bytes)
adjust.txt (209 Bytes)
To get a graph image I call it like:
cat ad-changed.dot | gvpr -v -cf adjust.gvpr | dot -Tpng -oad-changed.png
Thanks for looking at this!
It works fine for me (see below).
- What Graphviz version? (dot -V)
- It makes me want to say font problem (see Font FAQ | Graphviz), but can’t see why gvpr would be dealing with fonts. Please check if the Pango error message was coming from gvpr or dot
My result:
Interesting that it works for you!
dot - graphviz version 2.30.1 (20200304.1809)
It comes from dot, not from gvpr, but the funny characters are in the intermediate dot file gvpr
mynode [label="¨15", shape=record];
Time for a newer version of Graphviz
Just checked it with a current version on my Macbook and it works correctly like for you.
Now I just have to figure out a way to get a more current version on this older linux machine which is air-gapped / off-net…
Just to follow up:
I was able to compile and install version 10.0.1. (Version 12 did not co,pile because c++ under RHEL 7 is to old.)
And now I don’t get the Unicode issue anymore. Everything runs beautifully.
Thanks for your help, @steveroush!