Thank you for your replying.
I am posting the dot file below. As you see, I used “neato” engine to generate the image nicely, except the issue of “interweaving”. If I use “circo” engine, it seems to solve the ‘interweave’ issue, but the length of the edges are very long. especially, when graphs have multiple layers of nodes, the image is not very good looking.
Not sure, if I am missing anything…
Hope to have your advice.
graph ER {
graph [fontname=“Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,Microsoft YaHei”]
node [fontname=“Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,Microsoft YaHei”]
edge [fontname=“Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,Microsoft YaHei”]
overlap = false;
sep = "+10";
splines = true;
pack = true;
packmode = "node";
node [shape="polygon", style="solid", color="black"]; {node [label="abbreviation"] abbreviation};
node [shape=“ellipse”, style=“solid”, color=“red”]; {node [label=“abridgement”] abbreviation_abridgement};
abbreviation_abridgement – abbreviation;
node [shape=“ellipse”, style=“solid”, color=“red”]; {node [label=“digest”] abbreviation_digest};
abbreviation_digest – abbreviation;
node [shape=“ellipse”, style=“solid”, color=“red”]; {node [label=“reduction”] abbreviation_reduction};
abbreviation_reduction – abbreviation;
node [shape=“ellipse”, style=“solid”, color=“red”]; {node [label=“symbol”] abbreviation_symbol};
abbreviation_symbol – abbreviation;
node [shape=“ellipse”, style=“solid”, color=“blue”]; {node [label=“enlargement”] abbreviation_enlargement};
abbreviation_enlargement – abbreviation;
node [shape=“ellipse”, style=“solid”, color=“blue”]; {node [label=“extension”] abbreviation_extension};
abbreviation_extension – abbreviation;
node [shape=“ellipse”, style=“solid”, color=“blue”]; {node [label=“expansion”] abbreviation_expansion};
abbreviation_expansion – abbreviation;
node [shape=“ellipse”, style=“solid”, color=“blue”]; {node [label=“increase”] abbreviation_increase};
abbreviation_increase – abbreviation;
label = "Synonyms and Antonyms";
fontsize=16 ;