Loss of syntax highlighting on the forum

@magjac do you know why we seem to have lost syntax highlighting of inline snippets?

Here is a previous post of mine, How to interpret Graphviz Edge coordinates from xDOT or JSON - #9 by smattr, screenshotted below if you’re not seeing what I’m seeing:

Now here is a more recent post, How to make child nodes not interweaved - #7 by smattr, again screenshotted:

I know these posts have identical source because I went to edit and copied the text out of the first post to create the second. Any idea why syntax highlighting isn’t working?

No I don’t. And I see the same as you. It’s strange since I thought these were rendered on the fly, i.e., it shouldn’t matter if the post is old or new. Here’s my attempt that also doesn’t work:

digraph {
  like -> so[with="a label"];

Mysterious. I guess the syntax highlighting isn’t a big deal as it doesn’t actually seem very accurate (the emphasised with is not a keyword, but the unemphasised digraph is).