Graphviz, installed from source on a CentOS 7 server doesn't find format

We installed the latest stable Graphviz version 2.47.2 from source on a CentOS 7 server but the execution of dot fails because the required format cannot be found:

I run
dot -Tsvg -O wfgrafic2329630565754222378.gv

and receive
Format: "svg" not recognized. No formats found.
Perhaps "dot -c" needs to be run (with installer's privileges) to register the plugins?

(The problem is not particular to SVG, the result for JPEG is equivalent.)

We ran
dot -c
but to no noticeable effect.

What can have gone wrong?

How did you build and install Graphviz? Specifically, did you install it to a custom prefix? And what was the output from ./configure about what features were enabled/disabled?

Thank you for your response, smattr,

our admin solved it just a few minutes ago by installing a number of libraries that must have been missing, like “librsvg2” and “libexpat-devel” - it works fine now.
