Drawing stacked rectangles/boxes

I am looking for a way to show stacked rectangles to indicate 1 or more of some node. Something like this image, but with the node labels inside the top box.


Although traditionally shows with arrow heads, I want to use stacked rectangle shape for the node. I couldn’t find that in the list of polygon based shapes. What is the easiest way to do that?

  • The easiest way is to create an image with some other tool (like inkscape) and include it as an image. (see cow below)
  • The second easiest is to explicitly overlap 3 nodes and use neato -n (not dot) to maintain that positioning. (see read me below)
  • Harder still, you can define a new node in postscript (see Node Shapes | Graphviz), but then you have to use postscript as your output format
  • Finally, you can write definition(s) for new node shape(s). (See Node Shapes | Graphviz and FAQ | Graphviz)


graph I {
  subgraph cluster_1 {
    MyCoolNode [ label="" image="image_dir/cow.png"]  


Next easiest (neato -n)

graph shift {
  node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=white fixedsize=true width=.95 height=1.4]
   b1 [pos="100,100"]
   b2 [pos="120,80"]
   b3 [pos="140,60" label="read me"]


Thanks. This seemed to with with local image, but when using with JavaScript on browser, it doesn’t work with a remote URL.
Or did I miss something?

You are correct. It does not work.
(See urls for image (#1664) · Issues · graphviz / graphviz · GitLab for a discussion of the issues).


For now, I am using this workaround of explicitly listing multiple boxes with a vertical ellipsis.

digraph {
  node [shape="box"]

    external1 [label="" shape="none"]
    external1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Write"]
    # external2 [label="" shape="none"]
    # external2 -> "Coordinator" [label="Read"]

    internal1 [label="" shape="none"]
    {rank="same" internal1;"Coordinator"}
    internal1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Timeout" ]

    internal2 [label="Cleanup" shape="none"]
    internal2 -> "Participant#0" [label=""]

    "Participant#1" [label="⋮" shape="none"]
    "Participant#0" -> "Participant#1" -> "Participant#2" [style="invisible" arrowhead="none"]
    {rank="same" "internal2" "Participant#0";"Participant#1";"Participant#2";}

    "Coordinator" -> "Participant#0" [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit" tooltip="asdfasf" URL="https://fizzbee.io"]

    "Coordinator" -> "Participant#2" [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit" tooltip="naothetr " edgeURL="https://fizzbee.io"]


digraph {
node [shape=“box”]

external1 [label="" shape="none"]
external1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Write"]

# external2 [label="" shape="none"]
# external2 -> "Coordinator" [label="Read"]

internal1 [label="" shape="none"]
{rank="same" internal1;"Coordinator"}
internal1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Timeout" ]

internal2 [label="Cleanup" shape="none"]
internal2 -> "Participant#0" [label=""]

"Participant#1" [label="⋮" shape="none"]
"Participant#0" -> "Participant#1" -> "Participant#2" [style="invisible" arrowhead="none"]
{rank="same" "internal2" "Participant#0";"Participant#1";"Participant#2";}

"Coordinator" -> "Participant#0" [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit" tooltip="asdfasf" URL="https://fizzbee.io"]

"Coordinator" -> "Participant#2" [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit" tooltip="naothetr " edgeURL="https://fizzbee.io"]


This mostly works.
The incoming arrows from the left implies actions/requests from external service, the incoming arrows from the top implies internal operations.

I want to be sure, if this pattern of placing 3 nodes vertically will be consistent, if I add more nodes and edges into these participants. So this doesn’t get too ugly. Here,
"Participant#0" -> "Participant#1" -> "Participant#2" [style="invisible" arrowhead="none"]
line seems to ensure this works.

I tried another variant by grouping the Participants into a cluster.

digraph {
  node [shape="box"]

    external1 [label="" shape="none"]
    external1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Write"]
    # external2 [label="" shape="none"]
    # external2 -> "Coordinator" [label="Read"]

    internal1 [label="" shape="none"]
    {rank="same" internal1;"Coordinator"}
    internal1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Timeout" ]

    internal2 [label="" shape="none"]
    internal2 -> "Participant#0" [label="Cleanup"]

    subgraph "cluster_Participant" {
      "Participant#1" [label="⋮" shape="none"]
      # Adding this messes up the order of the placeholder.
      # "Participant#0" -> "Participant#1" -> "Participant#2" [style="invisible" arrowhead="none"]
      {rank="min" "Participant#0";"Participant#1";"Participant#2";}

      "Coordinator" -> "Participant#0" [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit" tooltip="asdfasf" URL="https://fizzbee.io"]

    "Coordinator" -> "Participant#2" [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit" tooltip="naothetr " edgeURL="https://fizzbee.io"]


digraph {
node [shape=“box”]

external1 [label="" shape="none"]
external1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Write"]

# external2 [label="" shape="none"]
# external2 -> "Coordinator" [label="Read"]

internal1 [label="" shape="none"]
{rank="same" internal1;"Coordinator"}
internal1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Timeout" ]

internal2 [label="" shape="none"]
internal2 -> "Participant#0" [label="Cleanup"]

subgraph "cluster_Participant" {
  "Participant#1" [label="⋮" shape="none"]
  # Adding this messes up the order of the placeholder. Commenting this line works
  "Participant#0" -> "Participant#1" -> "Participant#2" [style="invisible" arrowhead="none"]
  {rank="min" "Participant#0";"Participant#1";"Participant#2";}

  "Coordinator" -> "Participant#0" [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit" tooltip="asdfasf" URL="https://fizzbee.io"]

"Coordinator" -> "Participant#2" [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit" tooltip="naothetr " edgeURL="https://fizzbee.io"]

In this version, the order of the elipses node is messed up. The same line that was required in the previous version, is breaking the order here.
"Participant#0" -> "Participant#1" -> "Participant#2" [style="invisible" arrowhead="none"]
If I comment this line out, it works.

Again, I want to understand, why this happens? Second, is there any way to guarantee the order of nodes within a subgraph

One minor issue is, I am not able to get the Cleanup action from the top. rank=“same” does not work when the nodes are across clusters. Is there a way to ensure it works?

A node shape like stackedbox would make it a lot simpler, I am not sure how much effort it is to add that. Is there a way I can get some help on that?

Btw, thanks for all the answers on this and the other thread. To give a context, I am working on a design specification language (formal methods) for distributed systems. In addition to model checking the design for correctness and performance evaluation at the design phase before the implementation phase, I want to generate these beautiful visualizations automatically. So that can be shared with the reviewers and teammates.
With your answers, I rolled out the new feature today.

This replaces the cluster & contents w/ a table, giving better control of positioning.
I just had a thought on stacked boxes. Need to do some experimenting.


  from:  https://forum.graphviz.org/t/drawing-stacked-rectangles-boxes/2412/6

  replaced cluster & contents with a table to force positions

digraph {
  node [shape="box"]
    ranksep=1.4     // space ranks out
    splines=false  // personal preference

    external1 [label="" shape="none"]
    external1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Write"]
    # external2 [label="" shape="none"]
    # external2 -> "Coordinator" [label="Read"]

    internal1 [label="" shape="none"]
    {rank="same" internal1;"Coordinator"}
    internal1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Timeout" ]

    internal2 [label="" shape="none"]
    internal2 -> cluster_Participant:p1:nw [label="Cleanup"]  // nw corber of cell

    "cluster_Participant" [shape=none label=<
      <table cellpadding="14" cellspacing="8" style="dashed">
      <tr><td port="p1">Participant #0</td></tr>
      <tr><td border="0">&#x022EE;</td></tr>
      <tr><td port="p2">Participant #2</td></tr>

      "Coordinator" -> cluster_Participant:p1 [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit" tooltip="asdfasf" URL="https://fizzbee.io"]

      "Coordinator" -> cluster_Participant:p2 [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit" tooltip="naothetr " edgeURL="https://fizzbee.io"]


1 Like

Stacked boxes - using a single table!

digraph {

    stack [shape=none label=<
      <table cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellborder="1">
        <td sides="tl" ></td><td sides="t" ></td><td sides="tr" ></td><td border="0" ></td><td border="0" ></td>
        <td sides="l" ></td><td sides="tl" ></td><td sides="t" ></td><td sides="tr" ></td><td border="0" ></td>
        <td sides="bl" ></td><td sides="lr" ></td><td sides="tl" ></td><td sides="t" ></td><td sides="tr" ></td>
        <td sides="r" ></td><td sides="rb" ></td><td colspan="3" rowspan="3" sides="lbr" >read me</td>


1 Like

I found another workaround. As my target is to run this on the browser, I am planning to edit the SVG in javascript.

For that, I started with the used usual node definition and added a class fizzbee.

digraph {
  pad = "0.16" // around 11.5 points to allow when changing box to overlapping box
  node [shape="box"]

    external1 [label="" shape="none"]
    external1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Write"]
    # external2 [label="" shape="none"]
    # external2 -> "Coordinator" [label="Read"]

    internal1 [label="" shape="none"]
    {rank="same" internal1;"Coordinator"}
    internal1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Timeout" ]

    internal2 [label="Cleanup" shape="none"]
    {rank="same" internal2;"Participant"}
    internal2 -> "Participant" [label=""]

    "Participant" [class="fizzbee" ]
    "Coordinator" -> "Participant" [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit"]


digraph {
pad = “0.16” // around 11.5 points to allow when changing box to overlapping box
node [shape=“box”]

external1 [label="" shape="none"]
external1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Write"]

# external2 [label="" shape="none"]
# external2 -> "Coordinator" [label="Read"]

internal1 [label="" shape="none"]
{rank="same" internal1;"Coordinator"}
internal1 -> "Coordinator" [label="Timeout" ]

internal2 [label="Cleanup" shape="none"]
{rank="same" internal2;"Participant"}
internal2 -> "Participant" [label=""]

"Participant" [class="fizzbee" ]

"Coordinator" -> "Participant" [label="Prepare, Abort, Commit"]

The generated SVG contains something like,

<g xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="node5" class="node fizzbee">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="453.48,-36 376.83,-36 376.83,0 453.48,0 453.48,-36"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="415.16" y="-13.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00">Participant</text>

I just have to replicate the polygon, and I get the image I wanted.
Javascript code looks like this

const nodes = document.querySelectorAll('g.node.fizzbee');
nodes.forEach((node) => {
  // Find the polygon within each node
  const polygon = node.querySelector('polygon');

  if (polygon) {
    // Get the original points attribute
    const originalPoints = polygon.getAttribute('points');
    const pointsArray = originalPoints.split(' ').map(point => {
      const [x, y] = point.split(',');
      return { x: parseFloat(x), y: parseFloat(y) };

    // Function to create a polygon with an offset
    const createOffsetPolygon = (offset) => {
      const newPolygon = polygon.cloneNode();
      const newPoints = pointsArray.map(({ x, y }) => {
        return `${x + offset},${y + offset}`;
      }).join(' ');

      newPolygon.setAttribute('points', newPoints);
      newPolygon.setAttribute('fill', 'white');  // Set the fill to white
      return newPolygon;

    // Create the first and second offset polygons
    const offsetPolygon1 = createOffsetPolygon(4);
    const offsetPolygon2 = createOffsetPolygon(8);

    // Update the original polygon's fill to white
    polygon.setAttribute('fill', 'white');

    // Append the new polygons to the node
    node.insertBefore(offsetPolygon2, polygon);
    node.insertBefore(offsetPolygon1, polygon);

This gives, the desired image. The extra box goes out of the viewport, so I had to add the padding. (Ideally, it would be wonderful if that could be done per node instead, but this works so good for now)


Thanks. The table trick is wonderful. I will probably use that.

But if I increase the length of the string, the sizes get a bit messed up. But that is a small thing though.

digraph {

stack [shape=none label=<
  <table cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellborder="1">
    <td sides="tl" ></td><td sides="t" ></td><td sides="tr" ></td><td border="0" ></td><td border="0" ></td>
    <td sides="l" ></td><td sides="tl" ></td><td sides="t" ></td><td sides="tr" ></td><td border="0" ></td>
    <td sides="bl" ></td><td sides="lr" ></td><td sides="tl" ></td><td sides="t" ></td><td sides="tr" ></td>
    <td sides="r" ></td><td sides="rb" ></td><td colspan="3" rowspan="3" sides="lbr" >read me, <br/>this is a much longer text, <br/> with multiple lines</td>


This is probably not a bug issue, it just gives a different observer perspective

You might be able to repurpose contrib/dot_url_resolve.py · f3eff48ed8b4967042028abdcf0208c56f1b9ae5 · graphviz / graphviz · GitLab somewhere in your workflow.