Two programs you might find helpful

A short comment about two programs included in the Imagemagick graphics package.

  • I use the display program to display image files (png, svg, jpeg, and even raw xdot files). It has nice options (mouse buttons and command line). I’m sure there are similar programs, but if you are still looking, try display.
  • The montage program will combine / glue together multiple image files (e.g. png, … files). There may be other ways to accomplish this task, but montage seems pretty easy to use.
    montage in action:
montage radialTest101.png  radialTest11.png radialTestNew4.png -title 'Radial Engine' -tile 1x3 -geometry '+9+9' /tmp/R.png; display /tmp/R.png

[Imagemagick (ImageMagick – Mastering Digital Image Alchemy) has been ported to Linux, MacOS, and Windows, but I’ve only used it on Linux. Imagemagick has many more features, these are the two I use most.]
[I am not compensated for this comment]