Syntax error in line 1

You could also try

dot -Tsvg -o TerraformGraph20220930.svg

I’m wary of side-effects in redirection in the Windows shell(s).

Hi, Its Dec 2023
I encountered this error in my Windows PC while running on PowerShell
PS C:\Terraform> terraform graph | dot -Tpng > graph.png
Error: : syntax error in line 1 near ‘digraph’

Turns Out that file named by in the folder is being saved automatically in UTF-8-BOM
So the solution is
1- Run this command → terraform graph
2- Open the file (it is created in the directory you run command) in Notepad++
3- Go to Encoding and change it settings to UTF-8 and save it.
4- Run this command → dot -Tpng -o TerraformGraphNew.png

Hope it helps

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