The following dot file is obviously mechanically generated from another source (a different description of the graph), but I hope it’s small enough to be understandable:
digraph pipeline {
subgraph cluster_d159e1 {
label = " / main"
id = "cluster_d159e1";
labeljust = "c";
label = " / main";
subgraph cluster_d159e4 {
label = "p:group"
id = "cluster_d159e4";
labeljust = "c";
label = "p:group";
subgraph cluster_d159e7 {
peripheries = 0
label = ""
node [shape=plaintext]
cluster_d159e7 [shape=plaintext;label=<
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellborder="1">
<td port="d159e8">source</td>
<td port="d159e9">result</td>
subgraph cluster_d159e10 {
peripheries = 0
label = ""
node [shape=plaintext]
cluster_d159e10 [shape=plaintext;label=<
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellborder="1">
<td port="d159e11">source</td>
<td port="d159e13">result</td>
subgraph cluster_d159e4_foot {
peripheries = 0
label = ""
node [shape=plaintext]
cluster_d159e4_foot [shape=diamond;label=<
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellborder="1">
<td port="d159e5_foot">!result</td>
subgraph cluster_d159e1_foot {
peripheries = 0
label = ""
node [shape=plaintext]
cluster_d159e1_foot [shape=diamond;label=<
<table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellborder="1">
<td port="d159e2_foot">result</td>
d159e2 [label="result";shape="house";]
cluster_d159e4_foot:d159e5_foot -> cluster_d159e1_foot:d159e2_foot
cluster_d159e10:d159e13 -> cluster_d159e4_foot:d159e5_foot
cluster_d159e7:d159e9 -> cluster_d159e10:d159e11
cluster_d159e1_foot:d159e2_foot -> d159e2
Run through dot -Tsvg ...
, you get (in part):
<g id="cluster_d159e4" class="cluster">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="16,-153 16,-493.5 162,-493.5 162,-153 16,-153"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="89" y="-476.2" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00">p:group</text>
<g id="cluster_d159e4" class="cluster">
<g id="cluster_d159e4" class="cluster">
<g id="cluster_d159e4" class="cluster">
As you can see, there are four elements with the ID cluster_d159e4
. That’s an error in SVG where ID values must be unique.
I can’t see why there are several elements with that ID. Is this a bug in the SVG generation or user error some how?
This is
dot --version
dot - graphviz version 12.2.1 (20241206.2353)
on MacOS installed with homebrew, by the way.
Additionally, I can’t actually work out what purpose the additional <g class="cluster">
elements actually have. Simply deleting them seems to make no difference to the rendering.