Is it possible to set the same attribute value for all elements of a graph?
(Example: same fontsize)
I saw https://graphviz.org/docs/graph/
But how can we do it?
graph [fontsize=“20pt”] { … makes an error.
Thanks by advance for your help.
Is it possible to set the same attribute value for all elements of a graph?
(Example: same fontsize)
I saw https://graphviz.org/docs/graph/
But how can we do it?
graph [fontsize=“20pt”] { … makes an error.
Thanks by advance for your help.
I believe that the “pt” was a fairly recent improvement but before is was graph [fontsize=20].
What version of Graphviz are you using? (type dot -V)
I’m using graphviz with
graph [fontsize=20] makes an error.
You can see an example
the attributes need to be within the braces.
Like so:
graph { graph [fontsize=20]
Placement [shape=polygon]
Placement -- replaced
or with arrows (directed)
digraph { graph[fontsize=20]
Placement [shape=polygon]
Placement -> replaced
graph { graph [fontcolor="red"]
a [shape=polygon]
b [fontcolor="red"]
graph { graph [fontcolor=“red”]
a [shape=polygon]
b [fontcolor=“red”]
Doesn’t work in visual, with js or here.
I put fontcolor to see it easily.
I want ‘a’ to be red also.
You are correct. fontcolor can apply to four object types and you need to declare the (up to four) defaults separately.
graph {
graph [fontcolor="blue" label="my graph"]
node [fontcolor=green]
edge [fontcolor=pink label="\E"]
subgraph cluster90 {
graph [label="gathered" fontcolor=purple]
a [shape=polygon]
b [fontcolor="red"]
a -- b