Graphviz (using neato) ignores label positions when control points are not defined for edges.
I can brute force my way to positioning the labels, but I’m doing this in ignorance of the real problem.
Is there a way to stop graphviz overwriting lp, xlp in edges that do not have the curve control points pre-defined?
Why isn’t lp working on nodes?
I can position edge labels only if I position nodes and edges, and define edge curves
digraph G {
A [label = "A" xlabel="a" pos="0,100" lp="200,100!" xlp="300,100!" ]
B [label = "B" xlabel="b" pos="100,0" lp="200,0!" xlp="300,0!" ]
A -> B
[pos="0,100 0,0 0,0 100,0" ]
[label = "A->B" xlabel="a->b" lp="200,50!" xlp="300,50!" ]
EDIT : could somebody with more edit privileges please uncomment this?
![label positioning when edge curve is defined|465x192]
Defining positions is easy enough, defining curves is a bit painful.
If I don’t do it - the edge label positions don’t work:
digraph G {
A [label = "A" xlabel="a" pos="0,100" lp="200,100!" xlp="300,100!" ]
B [label = "B" xlabel="b" pos="100,0" lp="200,0!" xlp="300,0!" ]
A -> B
[label = "A->B" xlabel="a->b" lp="200,50!" xlp="300,50!" ]
When I export the dot output I can see that when I don’t define the edge curves, my label positions are being overwritten
$ dot -Tdot -Kneato -n2 -o ./ ./
A -> B [label="A->B",
pos="e,84.997,15.003 15.188,84.812 31.877,68.123 58.839,41.161 77.877,22.123",
to work around this behaviour, I’m putting my values in nonsense attributes that survive processing and using regex to clean up the file before passing it back to neato:
[label = "A->B" xlabel="a->b" zzzzl="200,50!" zzzzxl="300,50!" ]
A -> B [label="A->B",
pos="e,84.997,15.003 15.188,84.812 31.877,68.123 58.839,41.161 77.877,22.123",
After converting zzzzl to lp, and zzzzzxl to xlp diagram works.
This is because when attributes are set multiple time the last value is used
dot -Tpng -Kneato -n2 -O ./
This gets me what I want, but it’s a bit longwinded.
Is there a way to stop graphviz overwriting lp, xlp in edges?
Why isn’t lp working on nodes?
question also posted on stackoverflow at:
I’m not allowed to say thank you on S.O, so I’ll say it here, thanks for taking the time to look at my question.