More than one arrow in the same edge

Hello I’m having trouble using Graphviz 9especifically the DOT language). I’m trying to generate an image of a flowchart and I needed to have more than one arrow in the same edge (both arrows having the same initial and end node). In my DOT string it looks like this:

“Label1” → “Label2”[label=“Yes”]
“Label1” → “Label2”[label=“No”]

I get only one arrow labeled “No” going from Label1 to Label2. How can I have multiple arrows?

You did not include a complete graph, so I built a minimal graph but it shows two edges (not just one).
Please include your complete input, but this time add it as “preformatted text” (the “</>” symbol). Your snippet has non-ASCII characters that needed fixing to be accepted by dot.
Also please tell us the version of dot you are using (run dot -V)

digraph t {
Label1 [color=black]
Label1 -> Label2 [label=Yes]
Label1 -> Label2 [label=No]


Oh mb I showed only the part where I’m having trouble. My dot string looks like the following:

strict digraph t {
        "libafl_wizard: a tool to generate Libafl-based fuzzers."[color=black]
        "libafl_wizard: a tool to generate Libafl-based fuzzers." -> "Do you have the target's source code?"
[label="Next"]  "Do you have the target's source code?"[color=black]
        "Do you have the target's source code?" -> "Can you provide a harness function?"
[label="Yes"]   "Do you have the target's source code?" -> "All questions answered!"
[label="No"]    "Can you provide a harness function?"[color=black]
        "Can you provide a harness function?" -> "Do you want to use some special algorithm to select and update testcases from the corpus?"
[label="Yes"]   "Can you provide a harness function?" -> "Do you want to use some special algorithm to select and update testcases from the corpus?"
[label="No"]    "Do you want to use some special algorithm to select and update testcases from the corpus?"[color=black]        "Do you want to use some special algorithm to select and update testcases from the corpus?" -> "Which of the following options would you like to use?"
[label="Yes"]   "Do you want to use some special algorithm to select and update testcases from the corpus?" -> "Does your target require some special type of input?"
[label="No"]    "Which of the following options would you like to use?"[color=black]
        "Which of the following options would you like to use?" -> "Does your target require some special type of input?"
[label="Accounting..."] "Does your target require some special type of input?"[color=black]
        "Does your target require some special type of input?" -> "How can your input be represented?"
[label="Yes"]   "Does your target require some special type of input?" -> "Do you expect to cause a crash and/or a timeout on the target?"
[label="No"]    "How can your input be represented?"[color=black]
        "How can your input be represented?" -> "Do you expect to cause a crash and/or a timeout on the target?"
[label="Encoded..."]    "Do you expect to cause a crash and/or a timeout on the target?"[color=black]
        "Do you expect to cause a crash and/or a timeout on the target?" -> "Can your target corrupt memory used by the fuzzer?"
[label="Crash or Timeout..."]   "Can your target corrupt memory used by the fuzzer?"[color=black]
        "Can your target corrupt memory used by the fuzzer?" -> "All questions answered!"
[label="Yes"]   "Can your target corrupt memory used by the fuzzer?" -> "All questions answered!"
[label="No"]    "All questions answered!"[color=black]

Idk if it could be related but I’m using graphviz_rust library to parse the dot string and generate my flowchart, which looks like the following:

As you can see therer should be 2 arrows (Yes/No), but there is only one (the latter).

strict is your problem. Simple fix, just delete that word.

From DOT Language | Graphviz
A graph may also be described as strict. This forbids the creation of multi-edges, i.e., there can be at most one edge with a given tail node and head node in the directed case.
