Inconsistent behaviour of splines=true with neato

I noticed some inconsistencies when splines is set to true and I hope to find some guidance here. My main problem is that I would like to have a curved edge for one of my edges. I have learned that this can be achieved by putting invisible edges between the corresponding nodes so that the visible edge curves around them. This has worked in some of my diagrams but not in others that are built in the same way but where the arrangement of nodes is different.
Somewhat related, I noticed that the curving of edges around nodes that are in their way is not working when there are any overlapping nodes in the diagram.
Any ideas how to solve this? I have tried in DiagrammeR and in Windows command line. There is no difference whether I set overlap to true or false.

This is the code that I use wherethe curving of a single edge works:

digraph {

  graph [layout = neato,
  overlap = false,
  outputorder = edgesfirst
  splines=true ///curved  // better than true??
  node [shape = rectangle]
# Error Certainty
crt1e[pos = "11.1,  15!",  label = "0.11", width = 0.9, shape = none]
crt2e[pos = "12.3,  15!",  label = "0.11", width = 0.9, shape = none]
crt3e[pos = "13.5,  15!",  label = "0.11", width = 0.9, shape = none]
crt4e[pos = "14.7,  15!",  label = "0.11", width = 0.9, shape = none]

# Certainty
crt1 [pos = "11.1,  14!",  label = "crt1", width = 0.9]
crt2 [pos = "12.3,  14!",  label = "crt2", width = 0.9]
crt3 [pos = "13.5,  14!",  label = "crt3", width = 0.9]
crt4 [pos = "14.7,  14!",  label = "crt4", width = 0.9]

# Latent Certainty
crt  [pos = "12.9,  12!",  label = "crt",  width = 1.3, shape = circle]

# Path Certainty
crt->crt1 [label = "0.6"]
crt->crt2 [label = "0.6"]
crt->crt3 [label = "0.6"]
crt->crt4 [label = "0.6"]

# Covariance
crt3:n->crt4:n[label = "", style=invis constraint = false]
crt3:n->crt4:n[label = "", style=invis constraint = false]
crt3:n->crt4:n[label = "", style=invis constraint = false]
crt3:n->crt4:n[label = "0.7", dir = both, constraint = false]

# Error Path


This is the code where the curved edge for crt3:e->crt4e-> is not working:

grViz("digraph {

graph [layout = neato,
outputorder = edgesfirst,
# overlap = false,
splines = true]
node [shape = rectangle, width = 0.7, height = 0.3]

# Nodes
eu   [pos = '-1,  5!',  width = 1.3, shape = circle]
nrm  [pos = '-1,  0!', width = 1.3, shape = circle]
inf  [pos = '-3, 6.5!', width = 1.3, shape = circle]
cns  [pos = '-3, 3.5!', width = 1.3, shape = circle]

clr  [pos = '6, 5!', width = 1.3, shape = circle]
crt  [pos = '6, 2.5!', width = 1.3, shape = circle]
cor  [pos = '6, 0!', width = 1.3, shape = circle]

inf1 [pos = '-5, 7.5!']
inf2 [pos = '-5, 7!']
inf3 [pos = '-5, 6.5!']
inf4 [pos = '-5, 6!']
inf5 [pos = '-5, 5.5!']

cns1 [pos = '-5, 4.25!']
cns2 [pos = '-5, 3.75!']
cns3 [pos = '-5, 3.25!']
cns4 [pos = '-5, 2.75!']

nrm1 [pos = '-5, 1.5!']
nrm2 [pos = '-5, 1!']
nrm3 [pos = '-5, 0.5!']
nrm4 [pos = '-5, 0!']
nrm5 [pos = '-5, -0.5!']
nrm6 [pos = '-5, -1!']
nrm7 [pos = '-5, -1.5!']

clr1 [pos = '10, 5.75!']
clr2 [pos = '10, 5.25!']
clr3 [pos = '10, 4.75!']
clr4 [pos = '10, 4.25!']

crt1 [pos = '10, 3.25!']
crt2 [pos = '10, 2.75!']
crt3 [pos = '10, 2.25!']
crt4 [pos = '10, 1.75!']

cor1 [pos = '10, 0.5!']
cor2 [pos = '10, 0!']
cor3 [pos = '10, -0.5!']

inf1e[pos = '-6, 7.5!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]
inf2e[pos = '-6, 7!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]
inf3e[pos = '-6, 6.5!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]
inf4e[pos = '-6, 6!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]
inf5e[pos = '-6, 5.5!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]

cns1e[pos = '-6, 4.25!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]
cns2e[pos = '-6, 3.75!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]
cns3e[pos = '-6, 3.25!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]
cns4e[pos = '-6, 2.75!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]

nrm1e[pos = '-6, 1.5!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]
nrm2e[pos = '-6, 1!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]
nrm3e[pos = '-6, 0.5!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]
nrm4e[pos = '-6, 0!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]
nrm5e[pos = '-6, -0.5!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]
nrm6e[pos = '-6, -1!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]
nrm7e[pos = '-6, -1.5!', shape = none, label = '1.12', width = 0.05]

clr1e[pos = '11, 5.75!', shape = none, label = '3.12', width = 0.05]
clr2e[pos = '11, 5.25!', shape = none, label = '3.12', width = 0.05]
clr3e[pos = '11, 4.75!', shape = none, label = '3.12', width = 0.05]
clr4e[pos = '11, 4.25!', shape = none, label = '3.12', width = 0.05]

crt1e[pos = '11, 3.25!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]
crt2e[pos = '11, 2.75!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]
crt3e[pos = '11, 2.25!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]
crt4e[pos = '11, 1.75!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]

cor1e[pos = '11, 0.5!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]
cor2e[pos = '11, 0!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]
cor3e[pos = '11, -0.5!', shape = none, label = '2.12', width = 0.05]

# Edges
eu->inf [taillabel = '0.27', labeldistance = 5, labelangle = -15]
eu->cns [taillabel = '0.37', labeldistance = 3.5, labelangle = -25]

inf->inf1 [label = '0.67']
inf->inf2 [label = '0.56']
inf->inf3 [label = '0.45']
inf->inf4 [label = '0.34']
inf->inf5 [label = '0.23']

cns->cns1 [label = '0.34']
cns->cns2 [label = '0.45']
cns->cns3 [label = '0.56']
cns->cns4 [label = '0.67']

nrm->nrm1 [label = '0.56']
nrm->nrm2 [label = '0.45']
nrm->nrm3 [label = '0.34']
nrm->nrm4 [label = '0.45']
nrm->nrm5 [label = '0.56']
nrm->nrm6 [label = '0.78']
nrm->nrm7 [label = '0.67']

crt->crt1 [label = '0.89']
crt->crt2 [label = '0.90']
crt->crt3 [label = '0.89']
crt->crt4 [label = '0.78']

clr->clr1 [label = '0.67']
clr->clr2 [label = '0.56']
clr->clr3 [label = '0.45']
clr->clr4 [label = '0.34']

cor->cor1 [label = '0.23']
cor->cor2 [label = '0.34']
cor->cor3 [label = '0.56']

eu->nrm [dir = both, label = '.45 ']
eu->clr [dir = both, label = '-.45']
eu->crt [dir = both, taillabel = '-.46', labeldistance = 12, labelangle = 5]
eu->cor [dir = both, taillabel = '-.34', labeldistance = 12, labelangle = 5]
nrm->crt [dir = both, taillabel = '-.23', labeldistance = 12, labelangle = 5]
nrm->clr [dir = both, taillabel = '-.12', labeldistance = 12, labelangle = 6]
nrm->cor [dir = both, label = '-.45']
crt->clr [dir = both, taillabel = '.57', labeldistance = 5, labelangle = -20]
cor->crt [dir = both, taillabel = '.23', labeldistance = 5, labelangle = -20]
clr->cor [dir = both, taillabel = '.36', labeldistance = 9, labelangle = -5]







crt3:e->crt4:e [dir = both, label = '.46']
crt3:e->crt4:e [dir = both, label = '.46']
crt3:e->crt4:e [dir = both, label = '.46']
crt3:e->crt4:e [dir = both, label = '.46']
crt3:e->crt4:e [dir = both, label = '.46']


And this is what happens when I introduce an unrelated overlapping node. I add this node that overlaps with inf1: # Overlapping node on [pos = '-5, 7.5!', label = '1ßß']


Interestingly, this solves my problem with the edge crt3->crt4 but now the edge clr->cor crosses right through crt without any curvature. How can I have both?

Part (or all) of the problem seems to be a Windows-only bug.
For the first “wrong” graph (after cleaning up the text to remove diagrammeR additions) - Linux, produces the desired result; on Windows, straight edges.

It looks like you hit this known bug: "splines = true" merging multiedges together when using the neato engine (#2241) · Issues · graphviz / graphviz · GitLab
Don’t necessarily expect an immediate fix.

That’s good to know. I got it to work on Linux. Thank you!

I believe splines=curved in neato (somewhat) imitates the style of Gephi in which edges are curved away from the barycenter of the layout.

splines = curved makes all my edges curved, not only the one’s dodging other nodes or edges, is that correct?

Yes, that is correct. I don’t think we considered the idea that this could be enabled for individual edges. In general, mixed styles of edge routing is not supported because of the global approach of the general spline router and the orthogonal edge router.