Hi all,
The graph sometimes renders but mostly fails with the above error code and I am not sure why.
I am using the Graphviz Python API.
The version of Graphviz is 12.0.0.
The purpose is to move the every single node such that the node layers align at the top and not the center.
G = Digraph (
graph_attr = {
"nodesep" : "1",
"ranksep" : "1",
"pad" : "3",
"margin" : "0"
node_attr = {
"margin" : "1,1",
"fontsize": "3",
"pin": "true",
for n in g.nodes:
x1 = n._bbox[0].x/1000
x2 = n._bbox[1].x/1000
y1 = n._bbox[0].y/1000
y2 = n._bbox[1].y/1000
width = x2 - x1
height = y2 - y1
pos[n.name] = "%.3f, %.3f!"%((x1+(width/2))*72, (-y1)*72)
# This line below often fails
# pos[n.name] = "%.3f, %.3f!"%((x1+(width/2))*72, (-y1-(height/2))*72)
width = "%.3f"%width,
height = "%.3f"%height,
pos = pos[n.name]
for e in g.edges:
G.edge(e.start, e.end)
G.format = "svg"
G.filename = "%s.dot"%str(uuid4())
G.render(neato_no_op=1, directory = directory)
This is the output for the above.
digraph {
graph [margin=0 nodesep=1 pad=3 rankdir=BT ranksep=1 splines=ortho]
node [fixedsize=true fontsize=3 margin="1,1" pin=true shape=rect]
0 [label=0 height=0.075 pos="170.586, -514.620!" width=0.365]
1 [label=1 height=0.270 pos="100.602, -455.760!" width=0.364]
2 [label=2 height=0.270 pos="138.510, -455.760!" width=0.364]
3 [label=3 height=0.270 pos="214.326, -455.760!" width=0.364]
4 [label=4 height=0.270 pos="290.142, -455.760!" width=0.364]
5 [label=5 height=0.270 pos="328.050, -455.760!" width=0.365]
6 [label=6 height=0.270 pos="365.958, -455.760!" width=0.364]
7 [label=7 height=0.270 pos="403.866, -455.760!" width=0.365]
8 [label=8 height=0.270 pos="62.694, -455.760!" width=0.364]
9 [label=9 height=0.270 pos="24.786, -455.760!" width=0.364]
10 [label=10 height=0.270 pos="252.234, -455.760!" width=0.365]
11 [label=11 height=0.270 pos="176.418, -455.760!" width=0.365]
12 [label=12 height=0.105 pos="142.884, -488.700!" width=0.162]
13 [label=13 height=0.105 pos="166.212, -488.700!" width=0.162]
14 [label=14 height=0.105 pos="212.868, -488.700!" width=0.162]
15 [label=15 height=0.105 pos="259.524, -488.700!" width=0.162]
16 [label=16 height=0.105 pos="282.852, -488.700!" width=0.162]
17 [label=17 height=0.105 pos="306.180, -488.700!" width=0.162]
18 [label=18 height=0.105 pos="329.508, -488.700!" width=0.162]
19 [label=19 height=0.105 pos="119.556, -488.700!" width=0.162]
20 [label=20 height=0.105 pos="96.228, -488.700!" width=0.162]
21 [label=21 height=0.105 pos="236.196, -488.700!" width=0.162]
22 [label=22 height=0.105 pos="189.540, -488.700!" width=0.162]
23 [label=23 height=0.420 pos="231.822, -527.040!" width=1.013]
24 [label=24 height=0.300 pos="406.782, -378.000!" width=0.364]
25 [label=25 height=0.300 pos="444.690, -378.000!" width=0.365]
26 [label=26 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -305.640!" width=0.364]
27 [label=27 height=0.285 pos="389.286, -306.180!" width=0.365]
28 [label=28 height=0.270 pos="503.010, -305.640!" width=0.364]
29 [label=29 height=0.285 pos="351.378, -306.180!" width=0.364]
30 [label=30 height=0.270 pos="465.102, -305.640!" width=0.365]
31 [label=31 height=0.165 pos="344.088, -414.180!" width=0.162]
32 [label=32 height=0.165 pos="367.416, -414.180!" width=0.162]
33 [label=33 height=0.165 pos="390.744, -414.180!" width=0.162]
34 [label=34 height=0.165 pos="460.728, -414.180!" width=0.162]
35 [label=35 height=0.165 pos="437.400, -414.180!" width=0.162]
36 [label=36 height=0.165 pos="484.056, -414.180!" width=0.162]
37 [label=37 height=0.165 pos="507.384, -414.180!" width=0.162]
38 [label=38 height=0.165 pos="414.072, -414.180!" width=0.162]
39 [label=39 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -341.820!" width=0.162]
40 [label=40 height=0.105 pos="449.064, -339.660!" width=0.162]
41 [label=41 height=0.165 pos="472.392, -341.820!" width=0.162]
42 [label=42 height=0.105 pos="379.080, -339.660!" width=0.162]
43 [label=43 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -341.820!" width=0.162]
44 [label=44 height=0.285 pos="351.378, -162.540!" width=0.364]
45 [label=45 height=0.285 pos="465.102, -162.540!" width=0.365]
46 [label=46 height=0.285 pos="427.194, -162.540!" width=0.364]
47 [label=47 height=0.285 pos="389.286, -162.540!" width=0.365]
48 [label=48 height=0.270 pos="503.010, -162.000!" width=0.364]
49 [label=49 height=0.270 pos="389.286, -228.960!" width=0.365]
50 [label=50 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -228.960!" width=0.364]
51 [label=51 height=0.270 pos="465.102, -228.960!" width=0.365]
52 [label=52 height=0.105 pos="379.080, -196.020!" width=0.162]
53 [label=53 height=0.105 pos="449.064, -196.020!" width=0.162]
54 [label=54 height=0.105 pos="425.736, -196.020!" width=0.162]
55 [label=55 height=0.105 pos="402.408, -196.020!" width=0.162]
56 [label=56 height=0.105 pos="472.392, -196.020!" width=0.162]
57 [label=57 height=0.165 pos="390.744, -264.060!" width=0.162]
58 [label=58 height=0.165 pos="414.072, -264.060!" width=0.162]
59 [label=59 height=0.165 pos="437.400, -264.060!" width=0.162]
60 [label=60 height=0.165 pos="460.728, -264.060!" width=0.162]
61 [label=61 height=0.270 pos="351.378, -85.320!" width=0.364]
62 [label=62 height=0.270 pos="465.102, -85.320!" width=0.365]
63 [label=63 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -85.320!" width=0.364]
64 [label=64 height=0.270 pos="503.010, -85.320!" width=0.364]
65 [label=65 height=0.270 pos="389.286, -85.320!" width=0.365]
66 [label=66 height=0.165 pos="351.378, -18.900!" width=0.364]
67 [label=67 height=0.165 pos="465.102, -18.900!" width=0.365]
68 [label=68 height=0.165 pos="427.194, -18.900!" width=0.364]
69 [label=69 height=0.165 pos="389.286, -18.900!" width=0.365]
70 [label=70 height=0.165 pos="503.010, -18.900!" width=0.364]
71 [label=71 height=0.165 pos="379.080, -120.420!" width=0.162]
72 [label=72 height=0.165 pos="449.064, -120.420!" width=0.162]
73 [label=73 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -120.420!" width=0.162]
74 [label=74 height=0.165 pos="472.392, -120.420!" width=0.162]
75 [label=75 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -120.420!" width=0.162]
76 [label=76 height=0.165 pos="379.080, -50.220!" width=0.162]
77 [label=77 height=0.165 pos="449.064, -50.220!" width=0.162]
78 [label=78 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -50.220!" width=0.162]
79 [label=79 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -50.220!" width=0.162]
80 [label=80 height=0.165 pos="472.392, -50.220!" width=0.162]
81 [label=81 height=0.075 pos="599.238, -514.620!" width=0.365]
82 [label=82 height=0.270 pos="794.610, -455.760!" width=0.365]
83 [label=83 height=0.270 pos="756.702, -455.760!" width=0.364]
84 [label=84 height=0.270 pos="642.978, -455.760!" width=0.365]
85 [label=85 height=0.270 pos="491.346, -455.760!" width=0.364]
86 [label=86 height=0.270 pos="453.438, -455.760!" width=0.365]
87 [label=87 height=0.270 pos="529.254, -455.760!" width=0.365]
88 [label=88 height=0.270 pos="567.162, -455.760!" width=0.364]
89 [label=89 height=0.270 pos="605.070, -455.760!" width=0.364]
90 [label=90 height=0.270 pos="718.794, -455.760!" width=0.364]
91 [label=91 height=0.270 pos="832.518, -455.760!" width=0.364]
92 [label=92 height=0.270 pos="680.886, -455.760!" width=0.364]
93 [label=93 height=0.105 pos="734.832, -488.700!" width=0.162]
94 [label=94 height=0.105 pos="711.504, -488.700!" width=0.162]
95 [label=95 height=0.105 pos="641.520, -488.700!" width=0.162]
96 [label=96 height=0.105 pos="548.208, -488.700!" width=0.162]
97 [label=97 height=0.105 pos="524.880, -488.700!" width=0.162]
98 [label=98 height=0.105 pos="571.536, -488.700!" width=0.162]
99 [label=99 height=0.105 pos="594.864, -488.700!" width=0.162]
100 [label=100 height=0.105 pos="618.192, -488.700!" width=0.162]
101 [label=101 height=0.105 pos="688.176, -488.700!" width=0.162]
102 [label=102 height=0.105 pos="758.160, -488.700!" width=0.162]
103 [label=103 height=0.105 pos="664.848, -488.700!" width=0.162]
104 [label=104 height=0.420 pos="660.474, -527.040!" width=1.013]
105 [label=105 height=0.165 pos="427.194, -574.020!" width=1.985]
44 -> 71
71 -> 61
45 -> 72
72 -> 62
46 -> 73
73 -> 63
48 -> 74
74 -> 64
47 -> 75
75 -> 65
61 -> 76
76 -> 66
62 -> 77
77 -> 67
63 -> 78
78 -> 68
65 -> 79
79 -> 69
64 -> 80
80 -> 70
49 -> 52
52 -> 44
50 -> 53
53 -> 45
50 -> 54
54 -> 46
50 -> 55
55 -> 47
51 -> 56
56 -> 48
11 -> 57
57 -> 49
29 -> 58
58 -> 49
27 -> 59
59 -> 50
27 -> 60
60 -> 51
4 -> 31
31 -> 24
5 -> 32
32 -> 24
86 -> 33
33 -> 24
85 -> 34
34 -> 24
7 -> 35
35 -> 25
87 -> 36
36 -> 25
88 -> 37
37 -> 25
6 -> 38
38 -> 25
24 -> 39
39 -> 26
25 -> 40
40 -> 27
25 -> 41
41 -> 28
24 -> 42
42 -> 29
24 -> 43
43 -> 30
0 -> 12
12 -> 1
0 -> 13
13 -> 2
0 -> 14
14 -> 3
0 -> 15
15 -> 4
0 -> 16
16 -> 5
0 -> 17
17 -> 6
0 -> 18
18 -> 7
0 -> 19
19 -> 8
0 -> 20
20 -> 9
0 -> 21
21 -> 10
0 -> 22
22 -> 11
81 -> 93
93 -> 82
81 -> 94
94 -> 83
81 -> 95
95 -> 84
81 -> 96
96 -> 85
81 -> 97
97 -> 86
81 -> 98
98 -> 87
81 -> 99
99 -> 88
81 -> 100
100 -> 89
81 -> 101
101 -> 90
81 -> 102
102 -> 91
81 -> 103
103 -> 92
This is the output for the above.
digraph {
graph [margin=0 nodesep=1 pad=3 rankdir=BT ranksep=1 splines=ortho]
node [fixedsize=true fontsize=3 margin="1,1" pin=true shape=rect]
0 [label=0 height=0.300 pos="406.782, -367.200!" width=0.364]
1 [label=1 height=0.300 pos="444.690, -367.200!" width=0.365]
2 [label=2 height=0.270 pos="389.286, -295.920!" width=0.365]
3 [label=3 height=0.285 pos="503.010, -295.920!" width=0.364]
4 [label=4 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -295.920!" width=0.364]
5 [label=5 height=0.285 pos="465.102, -295.920!" width=0.365]
6 [label=6 height=0.270 pos="351.378, -295.920!" width=0.364]
7 [label=7 height=0.165 pos="390.744, -408.240!" width=0.162]
8 [label=8 height=0.165 pos="344.088, -408.240!" width=0.162]
9 [label=9 height=0.165 pos="367.416, -408.240!" width=0.162]
10 [label=10 height=0.165 pos="414.072, -408.240!" width=0.162]
11 [label=11 height=0.165 pos="460.728, -408.240!" width=0.162]
12 [label=12 height=0.165 pos="484.056, -408.240!" width=0.162]
13 [label=13 height=0.165 pos="507.384, -408.240!" width=0.162]
14 [label=14 height=0.165 pos="437.400, -408.240!" width=0.162]
15 [label=15 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -335.880!" width=0.162]
16 [label=16 height=0.105 pos="472.392, -335.880!" width=0.162]
17 [label=17 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -335.880!" width=0.162]
18 [label=18 height=0.105 pos="449.064, -335.880!" width=0.162]
19 [label=19 height=0.165 pos="379.080, -335.880!" width=0.162]
20 [label=20 height=0.270 pos="389.286, -75.600!" width=0.365]
21 [label=21 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -75.600!" width=0.364]
22 [label=22 height=0.270 pos="503.010, -75.600!" width=0.364]
23 [label=23 height=0.270 pos="351.378, -75.600!" width=0.364]
24 [label=24 height=0.270 pos="465.102, -75.600!" width=0.365]
25 [label=25 height=0.165 pos="389.286, -12.960!" width=0.365]
26 [label=26 height=0.165 pos="427.194, -12.960!" width=0.364]
27 [label=27 height=0.165 pos="503.010, -12.960!" width=0.364]
28 [label=28 height=0.165 pos="465.102, -12.960!" width=0.365]
29 [label=29 height=0.165 pos="351.378, -12.960!" width=0.364]
30 [label=30 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -114.480!" width=0.162]
31 [label=31 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -114.480!" width=0.162]
32 [label=32 height=0.165 pos="472.392, -114.480!" width=0.162]
33 [label=33 height=0.165 pos="379.080, -114.480!" width=0.162]
34 [label=34 height=0.165 pos="449.064, -114.480!" width=0.162]
35 [label=35 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -44.280!" width=0.162]
36 [label=36 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -44.280!" width=0.162]
37 [label=37 height=0.165 pos="472.392, -44.280!" width=0.162]
38 [label=38 height=0.165 pos="449.064, -44.280!" width=0.162]
39 [label=39 height=0.165 pos="379.080, -44.280!" width=0.162]
40 [label=40 height=0.075 pos="599.238, -511.920!" width=0.365]
41 [label=41 height=0.270 pos="832.518, -446.040!" width=0.364]
42 [label=42 height=0.270 pos="642.978, -446.040!" width=0.365]
43 [label=43 height=0.270 pos="794.610, -446.040!" width=0.365]
44 [label=44 height=0.270 pos="491.346, -446.040!" width=0.364]
45 [label=45 height=0.270 pos="453.438, -446.040!" width=0.365]
46 [label=46 height=0.270 pos="567.162, -446.040!" width=0.364]
47 [label=47 height=0.270 pos="529.254, -446.040!" width=0.365]
48 [label=48 height=0.270 pos="756.702, -446.040!" width=0.364]
49 [label=49 height=0.270 pos="680.886, -446.040!" width=0.364]
50 [label=50 height=0.270 pos="718.794, -446.040!" width=0.364]
51 [label=51 height=0.270 pos="605.070, -446.040!" width=0.364]
52 [label=52 height=0.105 pos="758.160, -484.920!" width=0.162]
53 [label=53 height=0.105 pos="641.520, -484.920!" width=0.162]
54 [label=54 height=0.105 pos="734.832, -484.920!" width=0.162]
55 [label=55 height=0.105 pos="548.208, -484.920!" width=0.162]
56 [label=56 height=0.105 pos="524.880, -484.920!" width=0.162]
57 [label=57 height=0.105 pos="594.864, -484.920!" width=0.162]
58 [label=58 height=0.105 pos="571.536, -484.920!" width=0.162]
59 [label=59 height=0.105 pos="711.504, -484.920!" width=0.162]
60 [label=60 height=0.105 pos="664.848, -484.920!" width=0.162]
61 [label=61 height=0.105 pos="688.176, -484.920!" width=0.162]
62 [label=62 height=0.105 pos="618.192, -484.920!" width=0.162]
63 [label=63 height=0.420 pos="660.474, -511.920!" width=1.013]
64 [label=64 height=0.075 pos="170.586, -511.920!" width=0.365]
65 [label=65 height=0.270 pos="24.786, -446.040!" width=0.364]
66 [label=66 height=0.270 pos="138.510, -446.040!" width=0.364]
67 [label=67 height=0.270 pos="62.694, -446.040!" width=0.364]
68 [label=68 height=0.270 pos="328.050, -446.040!" width=0.365]
69 [label=69 height=0.270 pos="290.142, -446.040!" width=0.364]
70 [label=70 height=0.270 pos="403.866, -446.040!" width=0.365]
71 [label=71 height=0.270 pos="365.958, -446.040!" width=0.364]
72 [label=72 height=0.270 pos="176.418, -446.040!" width=0.365]
73 [label=73 height=0.270 pos="252.234, -446.040!" width=0.365]
74 [label=74 height=0.270 pos="100.602, -446.040!" width=0.364]
75 [label=75 height=0.270 pos="214.326, -446.040!" width=0.364]
76 [label=76 height=0.105 pos="96.228, -484.920!" width=0.162]
77 [label=77 height=0.105 pos="166.212, -484.920!" width=0.162]
78 [label=78 height=0.105 pos="119.556, -484.920!" width=0.162]
79 [label=79 height=0.105 pos="282.852, -484.920!" width=0.162]
80 [label=80 height=0.105 pos="259.524, -484.920!" width=0.162]
81 [label=81 height=0.105 pos="329.508, -484.920!" width=0.162]
82 [label=82 height=0.105 pos="306.180, -484.920!" width=0.162]
83 [label=83 height=0.105 pos="189.540, -484.920!" width=0.162]
84 [label=84 height=0.105 pos="236.196, -484.920!" width=0.162]
85 [label=85 height=0.105 pos="142.884, -484.920!" width=0.162]
86 [label=86 height=0.105 pos="212.868, -484.920!" width=0.162]
87 [label=87 height=0.420 pos="231.822, -511.920!" width=1.013]
88 [label=88 height=0.285 pos="389.286, -152.280!" width=0.365]
89 [label=89 height=0.285 pos="427.194, -152.280!" width=0.364]
90 [label=90 height=0.285 pos="503.010, -152.280!" width=0.364]
91 [label=91 height=0.285 pos="465.102, -152.280!" width=0.365]
92 [label=92 height=0.270 pos="351.378, -152.280!" width=0.364]
93 [label=93 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -219.240!" width=0.364]
94 [label=94 height=0.270 pos="465.102, -219.240!" width=0.365]
95 [label=95 height=0.270 pos="389.286, -219.240!" width=0.365]
96 [label=96 height=0.105 pos="402.408, -192.240!" width=0.162]
97 [label=97 height=0.105 pos="425.736, -192.240!" width=0.162]
98 [label=98 height=0.105 pos="472.392, -192.240!" width=0.162]
99 [label=99 height=0.105 pos="449.064, -192.240!" width=0.162]
100 [label=100 height=0.105 pos="379.080, -192.240!" width=0.162]
101 [label=101 height=0.165 pos="414.072, -258.120!" width=0.162]
102 [label=102 height=0.165 pos="437.400, -258.120!" width=0.162]
103 [label=103 height=0.165 pos="460.728, -258.120!" width=0.162]
104 [label=104 height=0.165 pos="390.744, -258.120!" width=0.162]
105 [label=105 height=0.165 pos="427.194, -568.080!" width=1.985]
88 -> 30
30 -> 20
89 -> 31
31 -> 21
90 -> 32
32 -> 22
92 -> 33
33 -> 23
91 -> 34
34 -> 24
20 -> 35
35 -> 25
21 -> 36
36 -> 26
22 -> 37
37 -> 27
24 -> 38
38 -> 28
23 -> 39
39 -> 29
93 -> 96
96 -> 88
94 -> 97
97 -> 89
94 -> 98
98 -> 90
94 -> 99
99 -> 91
95 -> 100
100 -> 92
5 -> 101
101 -> 93
51 -> 102
102 -> 93
3 -> 103
103 -> 94
3 -> 104
104 -> 95
45 -> 7
7 -> 0
69 -> 8
8 -> 0
68 -> 9
9 -> 0
44 -> 10
10 -> 0
70 -> 11
11 -> 1
47 -> 12
12 -> 1
46 -> 13
13 -> 1
71 -> 14
14 -> 1
0 -> 15
15 -> 2
1 -> 16
16 -> 3
1 -> 17
17 -> 4
0 -> 18
18 -> 5
0 -> 19
19 -> 6
40 -> 52
52 -> 41
40 -> 53
53 -> 42
40 -> 54
54 -> 43
40 -> 55
55 -> 44
40 -> 56
56 -> 45
40 -> 57
57 -> 46
40 -> 58
58 -> 47
40 -> 59
59 -> 48
40 -> 60
60 -> 49
40 -> 61
61 -> 50
40 -> 62
62 -> 51
64 -> 76
76 -> 65
64 -> 77
77 -> 66
64 -> 78
78 -> 67
64 -> 79
79 -> 68
64 -> 80
80 -> 69
64 -> 81
81 -> 70
64 -> 82
82 -> 71
64 -> 83
83 -> 72
64 -> 84
84 -> 73
64 -> 85
85 -> 74
64 -> 86
86 -> 75
I appreciate the help.