Error : Command returned non-zero exit status 3221225477

Hi all,

The graph sometimes renders but mostly fails with the above error code and I am not sure why.

I am using the Graphviz Python API.

The version of Graphviz is 12.0.0.

The purpose is to move the every single node such that the node layers align at the top and not the center.

G = Digraph (
    graph_attr = {
        "nodesep" : "1",
        "ranksep" : "1",
        "pad" : "3",
        "margin" : "0"
    node_attr = {
        "margin" : "1,1",
        "fontsize": "3",
        "pin": "true",

for n in g.nodes:
    x1 = n._bbox[0].x/1000
    x2 = n._bbox[1].x/1000
    y1 = n._bbox[0].y/1000
    y2 = n._bbox[1].y/1000
    width = x2 - x1
    height = y2 - y1

    pos[] = "%.3f, %.3f!"%((x1+(width/2))*72, (-y1)*72)

    # This line below often fails
    # pos[] = "%.3f, %.3f!"%((x1+(width/2))*72, (-y1-(height/2))*72)

        width = "%.3f"%width,
        height = "%.3f"%height,
        pos = pos[]

for e in g.edges:
    G.edge(e.start, e.end)

G.format = "svg"
G.filename = ""%str(uuid4())
G.render(neato_no_op=1, directory = directory)


This is the output for the above.

digraph {
	graph [margin=0 nodesep=1 pad=3 rankdir=BT ranksep=1 splines=ortho]
	node [fixedsize=true fontsize=3 margin="1,1" pin=true shape=rect]
	0 [label=0 height=0.075 pos="170.586, -514.620!" width=0.365]
	1 [label=1 height=0.270 pos="100.602, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	2 [label=2 height=0.270 pos="138.510, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	3 [label=3 height=0.270 pos="214.326, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	4 [label=4 height=0.270 pos="290.142, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	5 [label=5 height=0.270 pos="328.050, -455.760!" width=0.365]
	6 [label=6 height=0.270 pos="365.958, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	7 [label=7 height=0.270 pos="403.866, -455.760!" width=0.365]
	8 [label=8 height=0.270 pos="62.694, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	9 [label=9 height=0.270 pos="24.786, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	10 [label=10 height=0.270 pos="252.234, -455.760!" width=0.365]
	11 [label=11 height=0.270 pos="176.418, -455.760!" width=0.365]
	12 [label=12 height=0.105 pos="142.884, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	13 [label=13 height=0.105 pos="166.212, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	14 [label=14 height=0.105 pos="212.868, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	15 [label=15 height=0.105 pos="259.524, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	16 [label=16 height=0.105 pos="282.852, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	17 [label=17 height=0.105 pos="306.180, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	18 [label=18 height=0.105 pos="329.508, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	19 [label=19 height=0.105 pos="119.556, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	20 [label=20 height=0.105 pos="96.228, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	21 [label=21 height=0.105 pos="236.196, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	22 [label=22 height=0.105 pos="189.540, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	23 [label=23 height=0.420 pos="231.822, -527.040!" width=1.013]
	24 [label=24 height=0.300 pos="406.782, -378.000!" width=0.364]
	25 [label=25 height=0.300 pos="444.690, -378.000!" width=0.365]
	26 [label=26 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -305.640!" width=0.364]
	27 [label=27 height=0.285 pos="389.286, -306.180!" width=0.365]
	28 [label=28 height=0.270 pos="503.010, -305.640!" width=0.364]
	29 [label=29 height=0.285 pos="351.378, -306.180!" width=0.364]
	30 [label=30 height=0.270 pos="465.102, -305.640!" width=0.365]
	31 [label=31 height=0.165 pos="344.088, -414.180!" width=0.162]
	32 [label=32 height=0.165 pos="367.416, -414.180!" width=0.162]
	33 [label=33 height=0.165 pos="390.744, -414.180!" width=0.162]
	34 [label=34 height=0.165 pos="460.728, -414.180!" width=0.162]
	35 [label=35 height=0.165 pos="437.400, -414.180!" width=0.162]
	36 [label=36 height=0.165 pos="484.056, -414.180!" width=0.162]
	37 [label=37 height=0.165 pos="507.384, -414.180!" width=0.162]
	38 [label=38 height=0.165 pos="414.072, -414.180!" width=0.162]
	39 [label=39 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -341.820!" width=0.162]
	40 [label=40 height=0.105 pos="449.064, -339.660!" width=0.162]
	41 [label=41 height=0.165 pos="472.392, -341.820!" width=0.162]
	42 [label=42 height=0.105 pos="379.080, -339.660!" width=0.162]
	43 [label=43 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -341.820!" width=0.162]
	44 [label=44 height=0.285 pos="351.378, -162.540!" width=0.364]
	45 [label=45 height=0.285 pos="465.102, -162.540!" width=0.365]
	46 [label=46 height=0.285 pos="427.194, -162.540!" width=0.364]
	47 [label=47 height=0.285 pos="389.286, -162.540!" width=0.365]
	48 [label=48 height=0.270 pos="503.010, -162.000!" width=0.364]
	49 [label=49 height=0.270 pos="389.286, -228.960!" width=0.365]
	50 [label=50 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -228.960!" width=0.364]
	51 [label=51 height=0.270 pos="465.102, -228.960!" width=0.365]
	52 [label=52 height=0.105 pos="379.080, -196.020!" width=0.162]
	53 [label=53 height=0.105 pos="449.064, -196.020!" width=0.162]
	54 [label=54 height=0.105 pos="425.736, -196.020!" width=0.162]
	55 [label=55 height=0.105 pos="402.408, -196.020!" width=0.162]
	56 [label=56 height=0.105 pos="472.392, -196.020!" width=0.162]
	57 [label=57 height=0.165 pos="390.744, -264.060!" width=0.162]
	58 [label=58 height=0.165 pos="414.072, -264.060!" width=0.162]
	59 [label=59 height=0.165 pos="437.400, -264.060!" width=0.162]
	60 [label=60 height=0.165 pos="460.728, -264.060!" width=0.162]
	61 [label=61 height=0.270 pos="351.378, -85.320!" width=0.364]
	62 [label=62 height=0.270 pos="465.102, -85.320!" width=0.365]
	63 [label=63 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -85.320!" width=0.364]
	64 [label=64 height=0.270 pos="503.010, -85.320!" width=0.364]
	65 [label=65 height=0.270 pos="389.286, -85.320!" width=0.365]
	66 [label=66 height=0.165 pos="351.378, -18.900!" width=0.364]
	67 [label=67 height=0.165 pos="465.102, -18.900!" width=0.365]
	68 [label=68 height=0.165 pos="427.194, -18.900!" width=0.364]
	69 [label=69 height=0.165 pos="389.286, -18.900!" width=0.365]
	70 [label=70 height=0.165 pos="503.010, -18.900!" width=0.364]
	71 [label=71 height=0.165 pos="379.080, -120.420!" width=0.162]
	72 [label=72 height=0.165 pos="449.064, -120.420!" width=0.162]
	73 [label=73 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -120.420!" width=0.162]
	74 [label=74 height=0.165 pos="472.392, -120.420!" width=0.162]
	75 [label=75 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -120.420!" width=0.162]
	76 [label=76 height=0.165 pos="379.080, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	77 [label=77 height=0.165 pos="449.064, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	78 [label=78 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	79 [label=79 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	80 [label=80 height=0.165 pos="472.392, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	81 [label=81 height=0.075 pos="599.238, -514.620!" width=0.365]
	82 [label=82 height=0.270 pos="794.610, -455.760!" width=0.365]
	83 [label=83 height=0.270 pos="756.702, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	84 [label=84 height=0.270 pos="642.978, -455.760!" width=0.365]
	85 [label=85 height=0.270 pos="491.346, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	86 [label=86 height=0.270 pos="453.438, -455.760!" width=0.365]
	87 [label=87 height=0.270 pos="529.254, -455.760!" width=0.365]
	88 [label=88 height=0.270 pos="567.162, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	89 [label=89 height=0.270 pos="605.070, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	90 [label=90 height=0.270 pos="718.794, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	91 [label=91 height=0.270 pos="832.518, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	92 [label=92 height=0.270 pos="680.886, -455.760!" width=0.364]
	93 [label=93 height=0.105 pos="734.832, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	94 [label=94 height=0.105 pos="711.504, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	95 [label=95 height=0.105 pos="641.520, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	96 [label=96 height=0.105 pos="548.208, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	97 [label=97 height=0.105 pos="524.880, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	98 [label=98 height=0.105 pos="571.536, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	99 [label=99 height=0.105 pos="594.864, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	100 [label=100 height=0.105 pos="618.192, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	101 [label=101 height=0.105 pos="688.176, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	102 [label=102 height=0.105 pos="758.160, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	103 [label=103 height=0.105 pos="664.848, -488.700!" width=0.162]
	104 [label=104 height=0.420 pos="660.474, -527.040!" width=1.013]
	105 [label=105 height=0.165 pos="427.194, -574.020!" width=1.985]
	44 -> 71
	71 -> 61
	45 -> 72
	72 -> 62
	46 -> 73
	73 -> 63
	48 -> 74
	74 -> 64
	47 -> 75
	75 -> 65
	61 -> 76
	76 -> 66
	62 -> 77
	77 -> 67
	63 -> 78
	78 -> 68
	65 -> 79
	79 -> 69
	64 -> 80
	80 -> 70
	49 -> 52
	52 -> 44
	50 -> 53
	53 -> 45
	50 -> 54
	54 -> 46
	50 -> 55
	55 -> 47
	51 -> 56
	56 -> 48
	11 -> 57
	57 -> 49
	29 -> 58
	58 -> 49
	27 -> 59
	59 -> 50
	27 -> 60
	60 -> 51
	4 -> 31
	31 -> 24
	5 -> 32
	32 -> 24
	86 -> 33
	33 -> 24
	85 -> 34
	34 -> 24
	7 -> 35
	35 -> 25
	87 -> 36
	36 -> 25
	88 -> 37
	37 -> 25
	6 -> 38
	38 -> 25
	24 -> 39
	39 -> 26
	25 -> 40
	40 -> 27
	25 -> 41
	41 -> 28
	24 -> 42
	42 -> 29
	24 -> 43
	43 -> 30
	0 -> 12
	12 -> 1
	0 -> 13
	13 -> 2
	0 -> 14
	14 -> 3
	0 -> 15
	15 -> 4
	0 -> 16
	16 -> 5
	0 -> 17
	17 -> 6
	0 -> 18
	18 -> 7
	0 -> 19
	19 -> 8
	0 -> 20
	20 -> 9
	0 -> 21
	21 -> 10
	0 -> 22
	22 -> 11
	81 -> 93
	93 -> 82
	81 -> 94
	94 -> 83
	81 -> 95
	95 -> 84
	81 -> 96
	96 -> 85
	81 -> 97
	97 -> 86
	81 -> 98
	98 -> 87
	81 -> 99
	99 -> 88
	81 -> 100
	100 -> 89
	81 -> 101
	101 -> 90
	81 -> 102
	102 -> 91
	81 -> 103
	103 -> 92


This is the output for the above.

digraph {
	graph [margin=0 nodesep=1 pad=3 rankdir=BT ranksep=1 splines=ortho]
	node [fixedsize=true fontsize=3 margin="1,1" pin=true shape=rect]
	0 [label=0 height=0.300 pos="406.782, -367.200!" width=0.364]
	1 [label=1 height=0.300 pos="444.690, -367.200!" width=0.365]
	2 [label=2 height=0.270 pos="389.286, -295.920!" width=0.365]
	3 [label=3 height=0.285 pos="503.010, -295.920!" width=0.364]
	4 [label=4 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -295.920!" width=0.364]
	5 [label=5 height=0.285 pos="465.102, -295.920!" width=0.365]
	6 [label=6 height=0.270 pos="351.378, -295.920!" width=0.364]
	7 [label=7 height=0.165 pos="390.744, -408.240!" width=0.162]
	8 [label=8 height=0.165 pos="344.088, -408.240!" width=0.162]
	9 [label=9 height=0.165 pos="367.416, -408.240!" width=0.162]
	10 [label=10 height=0.165 pos="414.072, -408.240!" width=0.162]
	11 [label=11 height=0.165 pos="460.728, -408.240!" width=0.162]
	12 [label=12 height=0.165 pos="484.056, -408.240!" width=0.162]
	13 [label=13 height=0.165 pos="507.384, -408.240!" width=0.162]
	14 [label=14 height=0.165 pos="437.400, -408.240!" width=0.162]
	15 [label=15 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -335.880!" width=0.162]
	16 [label=16 height=0.105 pos="472.392, -335.880!" width=0.162]
	17 [label=17 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -335.880!" width=0.162]
	18 [label=18 height=0.105 pos="449.064, -335.880!" width=0.162]
	19 [label=19 height=0.165 pos="379.080, -335.880!" width=0.162]
	20 [label=20 height=0.270 pos="389.286, -75.600!" width=0.365]
	21 [label=21 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -75.600!" width=0.364]
	22 [label=22 height=0.270 pos="503.010, -75.600!" width=0.364]
	23 [label=23 height=0.270 pos="351.378, -75.600!" width=0.364]
	24 [label=24 height=0.270 pos="465.102, -75.600!" width=0.365]
	25 [label=25 height=0.165 pos="389.286, -12.960!" width=0.365]
	26 [label=26 height=0.165 pos="427.194, -12.960!" width=0.364]
	27 [label=27 height=0.165 pos="503.010, -12.960!" width=0.364]
	28 [label=28 height=0.165 pos="465.102, -12.960!" width=0.365]
	29 [label=29 height=0.165 pos="351.378, -12.960!" width=0.364]
	30 [label=30 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -114.480!" width=0.162]
	31 [label=31 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -114.480!" width=0.162]
	32 [label=32 height=0.165 pos="472.392, -114.480!" width=0.162]
	33 [label=33 height=0.165 pos="379.080, -114.480!" width=0.162]
	34 [label=34 height=0.165 pos="449.064, -114.480!" width=0.162]
	35 [label=35 height=0.165 pos="402.408, -44.280!" width=0.162]
	36 [label=36 height=0.165 pos="425.736, -44.280!" width=0.162]
	37 [label=37 height=0.165 pos="472.392, -44.280!" width=0.162]
	38 [label=38 height=0.165 pos="449.064, -44.280!" width=0.162]
	39 [label=39 height=0.165 pos="379.080, -44.280!" width=0.162]
	40 [label=40 height=0.075 pos="599.238, -511.920!" width=0.365]
	41 [label=41 height=0.270 pos="832.518, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	42 [label=42 height=0.270 pos="642.978, -446.040!" width=0.365]
	43 [label=43 height=0.270 pos="794.610, -446.040!" width=0.365]
	44 [label=44 height=0.270 pos="491.346, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	45 [label=45 height=0.270 pos="453.438, -446.040!" width=0.365]
	46 [label=46 height=0.270 pos="567.162, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	47 [label=47 height=0.270 pos="529.254, -446.040!" width=0.365]
	48 [label=48 height=0.270 pos="756.702, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	49 [label=49 height=0.270 pos="680.886, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	50 [label=50 height=0.270 pos="718.794, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	51 [label=51 height=0.270 pos="605.070, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	52 [label=52 height=0.105 pos="758.160, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	53 [label=53 height=0.105 pos="641.520, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	54 [label=54 height=0.105 pos="734.832, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	55 [label=55 height=0.105 pos="548.208, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	56 [label=56 height=0.105 pos="524.880, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	57 [label=57 height=0.105 pos="594.864, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	58 [label=58 height=0.105 pos="571.536, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	59 [label=59 height=0.105 pos="711.504, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	60 [label=60 height=0.105 pos="664.848, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	61 [label=61 height=0.105 pos="688.176, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	62 [label=62 height=0.105 pos="618.192, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	63 [label=63 height=0.420 pos="660.474, -511.920!" width=1.013]
	64 [label=64 height=0.075 pos="170.586, -511.920!" width=0.365]
	65 [label=65 height=0.270 pos="24.786, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	66 [label=66 height=0.270 pos="138.510, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	67 [label=67 height=0.270 pos="62.694, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	68 [label=68 height=0.270 pos="328.050, -446.040!" width=0.365]
	69 [label=69 height=0.270 pos="290.142, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	70 [label=70 height=0.270 pos="403.866, -446.040!" width=0.365]
	71 [label=71 height=0.270 pos="365.958, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	72 [label=72 height=0.270 pos="176.418, -446.040!" width=0.365]
	73 [label=73 height=0.270 pos="252.234, -446.040!" width=0.365]
	74 [label=74 height=0.270 pos="100.602, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	75 [label=75 height=0.270 pos="214.326, -446.040!" width=0.364]
	76 [label=76 height=0.105 pos="96.228, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	77 [label=77 height=0.105 pos="166.212, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	78 [label=78 height=0.105 pos="119.556, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	79 [label=79 height=0.105 pos="282.852, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	80 [label=80 height=0.105 pos="259.524, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	81 [label=81 height=0.105 pos="329.508, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	82 [label=82 height=0.105 pos="306.180, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	83 [label=83 height=0.105 pos="189.540, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	84 [label=84 height=0.105 pos="236.196, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	85 [label=85 height=0.105 pos="142.884, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	86 [label=86 height=0.105 pos="212.868, -484.920!" width=0.162]
	87 [label=87 height=0.420 pos="231.822, -511.920!" width=1.013]
	88 [label=88 height=0.285 pos="389.286, -152.280!" width=0.365]
	89 [label=89 height=0.285 pos="427.194, -152.280!" width=0.364]
	90 [label=90 height=0.285 pos="503.010, -152.280!" width=0.364]
	91 [label=91 height=0.285 pos="465.102, -152.280!" width=0.365]
	92 [label=92 height=0.270 pos="351.378, -152.280!" width=0.364]
	93 [label=93 height=0.270 pos="427.194, -219.240!" width=0.364]
	94 [label=94 height=0.270 pos="465.102, -219.240!" width=0.365]
	95 [label=95 height=0.270 pos="389.286, -219.240!" width=0.365]
	96 [label=96 height=0.105 pos="402.408, -192.240!" width=0.162]
	97 [label=97 height=0.105 pos="425.736, -192.240!" width=0.162]
	98 [label=98 height=0.105 pos="472.392, -192.240!" width=0.162]
	99 [label=99 height=0.105 pos="449.064, -192.240!" width=0.162]
	100 [label=100 height=0.105 pos="379.080, -192.240!" width=0.162]
	101 [label=101 height=0.165 pos="414.072, -258.120!" width=0.162]
	102 [label=102 height=0.165 pos="437.400, -258.120!" width=0.162]
	103 [label=103 height=0.165 pos="460.728, -258.120!" width=0.162]
	104 [label=104 height=0.165 pos="390.744, -258.120!" width=0.162]
	105 [label=105 height=0.165 pos="427.194, -568.080!" width=1.985]
	88 -> 30
	30 -> 20
	89 -> 31
	31 -> 21
	90 -> 32
	32 -> 22
	92 -> 33
	33 -> 23
	91 -> 34
	34 -> 24
	20 -> 35
	35 -> 25
	21 -> 36
	36 -> 26
	22 -> 37
	37 -> 27
	24 -> 38
	38 -> 28
	23 -> 39
	39 -> 29
	93 -> 96
	96 -> 88
	94 -> 97
	97 -> 89
	94 -> 98
	98 -> 90
	94 -> 99
	99 -> 91
	95 -> 100
	100 -> 92
	5 -> 101
	101 -> 93
	51 -> 102
	102 -> 93
	3 -> 103
	103 -> 94
	3 -> 104
	104 -> 95
	45 -> 7
	7 -> 0
	69 -> 8
	8 -> 0
	68 -> 9
	9 -> 0
	44 -> 10
	10 -> 0
	70 -> 11
	11 -> 1
	47 -> 12
	12 -> 1
	46 -> 13
	13 -> 1
	71 -> 14
	14 -> 1
	0 -> 15
	15 -> 2
	1 -> 16
	16 -> 3
	1 -> 17
	17 -> 4
	0 -> 18
	18 -> 5
	0 -> 19
	19 -> 6
	40 -> 52
	52 -> 41
	40 -> 53
	53 -> 42
	40 -> 54
	54 -> 43
	40 -> 55
	55 -> 44
	40 -> 56
	56 -> 45
	40 -> 57
	57 -> 46
	40 -> 58
	58 -> 47
	40 -> 59
	59 -> 48
	40 -> 60
	60 -> 49
	40 -> 61
	61 -> 50
	40 -> 62
	62 -> 51
	64 -> 76
	76 -> 65
	64 -> 77
	77 -> 66
	64 -> 78
	78 -> 67
	64 -> 79
	79 -> 68
	64 -> 80
	80 -> 69
	64 -> 81
	81 -> 70
	64 -> 82
	82 -> 71
	64 -> 83
	83 -> 72
	64 -> 84
	84 -> 73
	64 -> 85
	85 -> 74
	64 -> 86
	86 -> 75

I appreciate the help.

Can you tell if the exit status is a Python/library thing or if it is a Graphviz thing? (maybe run dot multiple times at the command line level)

Hi @steveroush,

I tested running dot at the command line using dot files from the above for both successful and unsuccessful cases. The dot file for graphs that rendered successfully took only a short time to render with successful output from the command line. On the other hand, graphs that rendered unsuccessfully took a slightly longer time to render and did not provide an output despite the lack of an error message when using verbose(-v).

I used:
dot -Kneato -Tsvg -n1 -v -o test.svg


What OS (Mac, Windows, Linux, …)?

Hi @steveroush,

Windows 11.


Hi @steveroush,

This is an example of another graph that passes / fails.

This dot file renders successfully.

digraph {
	graph [margin=0 nodesep=1 pad=3 rankdir=BT ranksep=1 splines=ortho]
	node [fixedsize=true fontsize=3 margin="1,1" pin=true shape=rect]
	0 [label=0 height=0.300 pos="214.326, -228.960!" width=0.364]
	1 [label=1 height=0.270 pos="118.098, -91.800!" width=0.365]
	2 [label=2 height=0.270 pos="24.786, -227.880!" width=0.364]
	3 [label=3 height=0.270 pos="42.282, -91.800!" width=0.364]
	4 [label=4 height=0.270 pos="156.006, -91.800!" width=0.365]
	5 [label=5 height=0.300 pos="138.510, -228.960!" width=0.364]
	6 [label=6 height=0.075 pos="100.602, -220.860!" width=0.364]
	7 [label=7 height=0.270 pos="118.098, -157.680!" width=0.365]
	8 [label=8 height=0.075 pos="176.418, -220.860!" width=0.365]
	9 [label=9 height=0.270 pos="156.006, -157.680!" width=0.365]
	10 [label=10 height=0.075 pos="62.694, -220.860!" width=0.364]
	11 [label=11 height=0.270 pos="80.190, -157.680!" width=0.365]
	12 [label=12 height=0.270 pos="193.914, -91.800!" width=0.365]
	13 [label=13 height=0.270 pos="80.190, -91.800!" width=0.365]
	14 [label=14 height=0.165 pos="142.884, -265.140!" width=0.162]
	15 [label=15 height=0.105 pos="119.556, -124.740!" width=0.162]
	16 [label=16 height=0.165 pos="96.228, -265.140!" width=0.162]
	17 [label=17 height=0.105 pos="72.900, -124.740!" width=0.162]
	18 [label=18 height=0.105 pos="142.884, -124.740!" width=0.162]
	19 [label=19 height=0.165 pos="119.556, -265.140!" width=0.162]
	20 [label=20 height=0.165 pos="131.220, -192.780!" width=0.162]
	21 [label=21 height=0.105 pos="84.564, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	22 [label=22 height=0.105 pos="107.892, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	23 [label=23 height=0.165 pos="201.204, -192.780!" width=0.162]
	24 [label=24 height=0.105 pos="154.548, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	25 [label=25 height=0.105 pos="177.876, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	26 [label=26 height=0.105 pos="37.908, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	27 [label=27 height=0.105 pos="61.236, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	28 [label=28 height=0.105 pos="166.212, -124.740!" width=0.162]
	29 [label=29 height=0.105 pos="96.228, -124.740!" width=0.162]
	30 [label=30 height=0.165 pos="193.914, -18.900!" width=0.365]
	31 [label=31 height=0.165 pos="42.282, -18.900!" width=0.364]
	32 [label=32 height=0.165 pos="118.098, -18.900!" width=0.365]
	33 [label=33 height=0.165 pos="80.190, -18.900!" width=0.365]
	34 [label=34 height=0.165 pos="156.006, -18.900!" width=0.365]
	35 [label=35 height=0.165 pos="163.296, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	36 [label=36 height=0.165 pos="69.984, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	37 [label=37 height=0.165 pos="116.640, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	38 [label=38 height=0.165 pos="93.312, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	39 [label=39 height=0.165 pos="139.968, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	40 [label=40 height=0.075 pos="97.686, -366.660!" width=0.364]
	41 [label=41 height=0.270 pos="156.006, -306.720!" width=0.365]
	42 [label=42 height=0.270 pos="80.190, -306.720!" width=0.365]
	43 [label=43 height=0.285 pos="118.098, -307.260!" width=0.365]
	44 [label=44 height=0.105 pos="139.968, -340.740!" width=0.162]
	45 [label=45 height=0.105 pos="93.312, -340.740!" width=0.162]
	46 [label=46 height=0.105 pos="116.640, -340.740!" width=0.162]
	47 [label=47 height=0.420 pos="135.594, -379.080!" width=0.365]
	48 [label=48 height=0.165 pos="119.556, -426.060!" width=0.810]
	43 -> 14
	14 -> 0
	7 -> 15
	15 -> 1
	42 -> 16
	16 -> 2
	11 -> 17
	17 -> 3
	9 -> 18
	18 -> 4
	43 -> 19
	19 -> 5
	41 -> 20
	20 -> 7
	6 -> 21
	21 -> 7
	5 -> 22
	22 -> 7
	41 -> 23
	23 -> 9
	8 -> 24
	24 -> 9
	0 -> 25
	25 -> 9
	2 -> 26
	26 -> 11
	10 -> 27
	27 -> 11
	9 -> 28
	28 -> 12
	7 -> 29
	29 -> 13
	12 -> 35
	35 -> 30
	3 -> 36
	36 -> 31
	1 -> 37
	37 -> 32
	13 -> 38
	38 -> 33
	4 -> 39
	39 -> 34
	40 -> 44
	44 -> 41
	40 -> 45
	45 -> 42
	40 -> 46
	46 -> 43

This dot file fails to render.

digraph {
	graph [margin=0 nodesep=1 pad=3 rankdir=BT ranksep=1 splines=ortho]
	node [fixedsize=true fontsize=3 margin="1,1" pin=true shape=rect]
	0 [label=0 height=0.075 pos="97.686, -366.660!" width=0.364]
	1 [label=1 height=0.270 pos="118.098, -306.720!" width=0.365]
	2 [label=2 height=0.270 pos="80.190, -306.720!" width=0.365]
	3 [label=3 height=0.285 pos="156.006, -307.260!" width=0.365]
	4 [label=4 height=0.105 pos="116.640, -340.740!" width=0.162]
	5 [label=5 height=0.105 pos="93.312, -340.740!" width=0.162]
	6 [label=6 height=0.105 pos="139.968, -340.740!" width=0.162]
	7 [label=7 height=0.420 pos="135.594, -379.080!" width=0.365]
	8 [label=8 height=0.165 pos="156.006, -18.900!" width=0.365]
	9 [label=9 height=0.165 pos="118.098, -18.900!" width=0.365]
	10 [label=10 height=0.165 pos="80.190, -18.900!" width=0.365]
	11 [label=11 height=0.165 pos="42.282, -18.900!" width=0.364]
	12 [label=12 height=0.165 pos="193.914, -18.900!" width=0.365]
	13 [label=13 height=0.165 pos="139.968, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	14 [label=14 height=0.165 pos="116.640, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	15 [label=15 height=0.165 pos="93.312, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	16 [label=16 height=0.165 pos="69.984, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	17 [label=17 height=0.165 pos="163.296, -50.220!" width=0.162]
	18 [label=18 height=0.300 pos="176.418, -228.960!" width=0.365]
	19 [label=19 height=0.270 pos="80.190, -91.800!" width=0.365]
	20 [label=20 height=0.270 pos="138.510, -227.880!" width=0.364]
	21 [label=21 height=0.270 pos="118.098, -91.800!" width=0.365]
	22 [label=22 height=0.270 pos="193.914, -91.800!" width=0.365]
	23 [label=23 height=0.300 pos="62.694, -228.960!" width=0.364]
	24 [label=24 height=0.075 pos="24.786, -220.860!" width=0.364]
	25 [label=25 height=0.270 pos="80.190, -157.680!" width=0.365]
	26 [label=26 height=0.075 pos="214.326, -220.860!" width=0.364]
	27 [label=27 height=0.270 pos="156.006, -157.680!" width=0.365]
	28 [label=28 height=0.075 pos="100.602, -220.860!" width=0.364]
	29 [label=29 height=0.270 pos="118.098, -157.680!" width=0.365]
	30 [label=30 height=0.270 pos="156.006, -91.800!" width=0.365]
	31 [label=31 height=0.270 pos="42.282, -91.800!" width=0.364]
	32 [label=32 height=0.165 pos="142.884, -265.140!" width=0.162]
	33 [label=33 height=0.105 pos="96.228, -124.740!" width=0.162]
	34 [label=34 height=0.165 pos="119.556, -265.140!" width=0.162]
	35 [label=35 height=0.105 pos="119.556, -124.740!" width=0.162]
	36 [label=36 height=0.105 pos="166.212, -124.740!" width=0.162]
	37 [label=37 height=0.165 pos="96.228, -265.140!" width=0.162]
	38 [label=38 height=0.105 pos="84.564, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	39 [label=39 height=0.105 pos="61.236, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	40 [label=40 height=0.165 pos="37.908, -192.780!" width=0.162]
	41 [label=41 height=0.165 pos="201.204, -192.780!" width=0.162]
	42 [label=42 height=0.105 pos="177.876, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	43 [label=43 height=0.105 pos="154.548, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	44 [label=44 height=0.105 pos="107.892, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	45 [label=45 height=0.105 pos="131.220, -190.620!" width=0.162]
	46 [label=46 height=0.105 pos="142.884, -124.740!" width=0.162]
	47 [label=47 height=0.105 pos="72.900, -124.740!" width=0.162]
	48 [label=48 height=0.165 pos="119.556, -426.060!" width=0.810]
	3 -> 32
	32 -> 18
	25 -> 33
	33 -> 19
	2 -> 34
	34 -> 20
	29 -> 35
	35 -> 21
	27 -> 36
	36 -> 22
	3 -> 37
	37 -> 23
	23 -> 38
	38 -> 25
	24 -> 39
	39 -> 25
	1 -> 40
	40 -> 25
	1 -> 41
	41 -> 27
	26 -> 42
	42 -> 27
	18 -> 43
	43 -> 27
	28 -> 44
	44 -> 29
	20 -> 45
	45 -> 29
	27 -> 46
	46 -> 30
	25 -> 47
	47 -> 31
	30 -> 13
	13 -> 8
	21 -> 14
	14 -> 9
	19 -> 15
	15 -> 10
	31 -> 16
	16 -> 11
	22 -> 17
	17 -> 12
	0 -> 4
	4 -> 1
	0 -> 5
	5 -> 2
	0 -> 6
	6 -> 3

The positions of each node differ slightly every time but remain in the same layer as I am using graphviz to do the initial layout, thus, the positions of the nodes are not fixed.


Hi @steveroush,

I tested removing the decimal points on a whim by rounding the numbers for pos, and the graph renders successfully without any problems 10/10 times. I am not sure why this occurs though. Is there a limit of less than 3d.p. for floating point numbers for node positions? If there is, shouldn’t the above line (before applying -height/2) have failed more often too?


Seems to be a Windows bug. I ran a loop 100 times with your 1st example on my Linux system and get 100 identical, good results.
Please create an issue here Issues · graphviz / graphviz · GitLab

You might also try removing the pin=true and the ! on the pos values. They are not needed when using the -n option.


Sure, thank you for the help.