Works for me on macOS. Here’s it in a code block so the forum doesn’t change the quotes to smart quotes:
from graphviz import Digraph
def create_family_tree(husbands, wives, children):
family_tree = Digraph('FamilyTree', format='png', node_attr={'shape': 'record'})
for husband, wife in zip(husbands, wives):
family_tree.node(husband, label=f"{husband} | {wife}")
for parent, kids in children.items():
for child in kids:
family_tree.edge(parent, child)
family_tree.render(filename='family_tree', format='png', view=True)
husbands = ["Malik✅"]
wives = ["Mehwish"]
children = {"Malik✅": ['Sultan', "Usman"]}
family_tree = create_family_tree(husbands, wives, children)
$ python3.9
What OS are you on? What editor are you using? Are you saving the source as UTF-8?