I use graphviz a lot and love it for network / graph visualization. But this time I am visualizing a network of events with a time stamp (think years not secs).
So I was looking for something that allows me a combination of timelines plus a digraph. Based on some Stackexchange snippets I am currently working with something like this. But it seems a bit of a hack and leads to pretty unweildy code.
Any ideas about how I could do this better?
digraph shells {
node [fontsize=24, shape = plaintext];
1972 -> 1976;
1976 -> 1978;
1978 -> 1980;
1980 -> 1982;
1982 -> 1984;
1984 -> 1986;
1986 -> 1988;
1988 -> 1990;
1990 -> future;
node [fontsize=20, shape = box];
{ rank=same; 1976 Mashey Bourne; }
{ rank=same; 1978 Formshell csh; }
{ rank=same; 1980 esh vsh; }
{ rank=same; 1982 ksh "System-V"; }
{ rank=same; 1984 v9sh tcsh; }
{ rank=same; 1986 "ksh-i"; }
{ rank=same; 1988 KornShell Perl rc; }
{ rank=same; 1990 tcl Bash; }
{ rank=same; "future" POSIX "ksh-POSIX"; }
Thompson -> Mashey;
Thompson -> Bourne;
Thompson -> csh;
csh -> tcsh;
Bourne -> ksh;
Bourne -> esh;
Bourne -> vsh;
Bourne -> "System-V";
Bourne -> v9sh;
v9sh -> rc;
Bourne -> Bash;
"ksh-i" -> Bash;
KornShell -> Bash;
esh -> ksh;
vsh -> ksh;
Formshell -> ksh;
csh -> ksh;
KornShell -> POSIX;
"System-V" -> POSIX;
ksh -> "ksh-i";
"ksh-i" -> KornShell;
KornShell -> "ksh-POSIX";
Bourne -> Formshell;
edge [style=invis];
1984 -> v9sh -> tcsh ;
1988 -> rc -> KornShell;
Formshell -> csh;
KornShell -> Perl;