About the Help category

This is the Graphviz help forum, where you can ask the community and Graphviz’s lovely staff for help using Graphviz, writing DOT code, and more.

Hello Everyone,

I have below sudo code, where I need to reuse the doxygen comment in the label

*  @brief Store current timestamp
static UINT32 timestamp;

digraph NewGraph{
graph [nodesep="1"]
Network -> Client[ label="FG0215_PDC_timestamp", labeltooltip="\copydoc timestamp"]

So here above in labeltooltip I want to re-use the doxygen comment of variable “timestamp”.

Please provide your suggetions or possible ways to do this.


You posted this as a reply on the About the Help category topic. Please post it instead as a new topic in the Help category itself.

Sorry I didnt find the way to create it in new topic, please guide me if its required.


Go to Help - Graphviz. Click on + New Topic.

People probably wont find your reply here.

After adding the topic, it ask me “Add user”, so what user I should add here?
I have tried to add some random users, but it says that you can not add private users.

Please guide me where I’m wrong ?

I don’t think you followed my instructions. You are trying to compose a private message, not posting a topic in the Help category.

I am considering moving from mermaid.js to graphviz but one point is still blocking me: the ability for a node to point to a cluster.

Taking the typical example everyone shows (the version, modified with my attempts is online), I tried to point the node a3 to the cluster cluster_1:

digraph G {

  subgraph cluster_0 {
    node [style=filled,color=white];
    a0 -> a1 -> a2 -> a3;
    label = "process #1";

  subgraph cluster_1 {
    node [style=filled];
    b0 -> b1 -> b2 -> b3;
    label = "process #2";
  start -> a0;
  start -> b0;
  a1 -> b3;
  b2 -> a3;
  a3 -> cluster_1;
  a3 -> end;
  b3 -> end;

  start [shape=Mdiamond];
  end [shape=Msquare];

The result is


cluster_1 is perceived in that context as a new node instead of the cluster labeled process #2.

Is there a way to have a node point to a cluster, without having it point to a node in that cluster? The emphasized part is important because I just know that a node points to a cluster, (and not a node in that cluster).

In other words, I cannot do, for instance,

a3 -> b0 [lhead=cluster_1];

(because that requires me to know that b0 is part of cluster_1)