Not sure why the mis-alignment, but enclosing Plan in a cluster seems to work.
If not we can look at Osage.
digraph "ISO 9001 - Orientierung am PDCA-Zyklus" {
node [fontname="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]
edge [fontname="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]
graph [
//newrank = true, // probably not necessary
nodesep = 0.4, // ok
ranksep = 0.25, // ok
//overlap = true, // ignored by dot
//splines = false, // not necessary, all edges are invis
node [
fixedsize = true,
fontsize = 18 // 90,
height = 1.1 // 5.5,
shape = box,
style = "filled, setlinewidth(5), rounded",
width = 4 // 19
edge [
style = invis,
subgraph clusterPlan {
subgraph Plan
node [color = "#22bb55"]
plan [
label = "Plan",
height = .5 // 2.5,
width = 17.2 // 4 * nodewidth + 3 * nodesep
subgraph kontext {
margin = 1 // ???
kontext4_ [
label = "4\nKontext der Organisation"
subgraph fuehrung {
fuehrung5_ [
label = "5\nFührung"
subgraph planung {
planung6_ [
label = "6\nPlanung"
subgraph unterstuetzung {
unterstuetzung7_ [
label = "7\nUnterstützung"
plan -> kontext4_
plan -> fuehrung5_
plan -> planung6_
plan -> unterstuetzung7_
subgraph Do {
node [color = "#cc99aa"]
do [
label = "Do",
height = .5 // 2.5,
subgraph betrieb {
betrieb8_ [
label = "8\nBetrieb ",
do -> betrieb8_