I have a question about the edges:
What can influence their length?
For example I have this diagram with all objects where the length of the edge between “Tape Servers” and its subcomponents does not follow the length set with the ‘minlen’ option.
However, if I only diagram the cluster of ‘Tape Servers’ objects the value of ‘minlen’ is honored.
Is there a reason for this behavior?
CompleteDiagram.dot (35.0 KB)
PartialDiagram.dot (7.8 KB)
minlen is in units of rank, so minlen=1 (the default distance) says that there should be 1 rank from tail to head.
This appears to be true for both graphs, though the Y distance is, in fact, greater. The node SOBRRepo (I think) is very tall and therefore increases the distance rank-to-rank.
Also know that all nodes that fall on the same rank are always centered on that rank, no matter how much their sizes vary. (Though here is a link to a program that can “de-center” those nodes)
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