Wow, {tgn}roff, cool! I didn’t know it was still a thing.
I used to use sdoc to write my manpages and someone poked me about the
very bad quality of the result. He pointed out mandoc as replacement.
At first I was really skeptical because of a first experience in late
90s but i wanted my doc to be great so I tried and was pleased how easy
it was to write the manpage this way. It’s clean and use semantic tags
so you can easily parse it. I reported this experience to my local unix
group and someone told me I have to give groff a try.
I did and once again, after years and years of latex an html, it was a
really pleasant experience:
- it’s simple and productive
- it’s easy adapt
- it’s blazing fast
There are many available roff distro outthere, all of them has pro and
cons but I was advised to use groff and have no reason to test for
something else for the moment. Also: the mailing list is active and
welcoming so I sticked on it.
Opening the discussion into our local group really interested people:
when you just want to write a simple paper, a letter or something,
latex is way too much effort. so the trend here is to move from latex
to roff.
I have ancient memories of creating troff docs on the single(?)
typesetter in the building before Postscript and before bitmapped terminals.
The bad memories from roff were the fact that:
- you can’t indent the way you can in html (I didn’t know how to use vim)
- in the examples, it was boring just to get an accent or an insecable
space. Nowadays
- groff comes with some flags to use preconv
(I don’t know if it doesn’t exists or if I just missed it back in
the '90s)
- AFAIK, 9front roff and neatroff comes with a direct utf-8 support
I still use postscript when I don’t need PDF features.
becomes a hassle, come on back here and we’ll try to help. You might
also look at dpic (GitHub - tim-tx/dpic: A fork of Dwight Aplevich's dpic https://gitlab.com/aplevich/dpic). I believe it is a
slightly improved over (g)pic.
Again: thanks! our local group try to collect a collection of useful
links about roff (for example: we started to take care of dformat
so it can be easily shipped. nothing public but we started over
GitHub - eiro/dformat: A Program for Typesetting Data Formats.).
So if you have other interesting pointers to share: please tell me 