I have been manually setting color to nodes in simple graph. Then recently I learnt about the Brewer color schemes which looks awesome. But unfortunately I am unable to find the correct syntax to use it
Can someone please help me with an Example on how to use Brewercolor schemes colors?
Apologies, some digging into documentation helped me how to use colorschemes
Have a great day people
graph test123 {
graph [fontsize=24];
edge [fontsize=24];
node [fontsize=24, colorscheme=spectral9];
x [color=lightblue,style=filled];
y [color=lightgreen,style=filled];
a [label = "A", color=3,style=filled];
d [fillcolor=yellow,style="rounded,filled", shape=diamond]
a -- b -- c;
a -- {x y};
x -- c [w=10.0];
x -- y [w=5.0,len=3];
edge [style="setlinewidth(3)", color=red];
edge [len=3];
a -- { b c d };