How to specify ordering of vertically stacked nodes

As a sort of exersize for myself to learn how to make graphs with graphiz, I decided to try to create this graph myself (it’s from the git manual). So far I have managed to get this, but I find myself stuck on trying to properly order the master, c2 and iss53 nodes. I want them to be vertically stacked in that order, however for whatever reason I can’t seem to do it. This current code gives this output where both master and iss53 are stacked above c2 when I want c2 to be in between them.

Any help would be appreciated.

digraph {
	rankdir = "RL"

	c2 -> c1 -> c0

		node [style=filled color=red fillcolor=red shape=rectangle fontname=monospace
		iss53 -> c2
		master -> c2

EDIT: I have also tried appending the following to the end of my graph:

edge [style=invis]
c2 -> {master iss53}

this almost works except for the fact that the arrows are now curved as can be seen here.

Close, just needed tweak to iss53->c2. Reversed head/tail and used dir=back (dir | Graphviz)

digraph {
	rankdir = "RL"
	node[shape=rect style=rounded]  // added
	c2 -> c1 -> c0

		node [style=filled color=red fillcolor=red shape=rectangle
		  fontname=monospace fontcolor=white]
		c2 -> iss53 [dir=back]  // dir=back, reverse arrowhead position
		master -> c2


That makes a lot of sense, thanks!