I’m trying to pack them with gvpack and have :
on the left-hand side the D graph
on the right-hand side the N graph.
What I’ve tried so far is :
dot D.dot > D-o.dot
dot N.dot > N-o.dot
gvpack -array_i2 D-o.dot N-o.dot > pack.dot
Warning: node n1 in graph[1] N already defined
Some nodes will be renamed.
The warning is of course normal… and then
neato -s -n2 pack.dot -Tsvg > pack.svg
Warning: layout attribute is invalid except on the root graph
Error: Layout type: "" not recognized. Use one of: circo dot fdp neato nop nop1 nop2 osage patchwork sfdp twopi
Error: Layout was not done. Missing layout plugins?
cp pack.dot pack2.dot
I edited the pack2.dot file by just adding layout=“neato” to the top graph
neato -s -n2 pack2.dot -Tsvg > pack.svg
And I have as a result :
How could I have a better workflow and avoid editing the pack.dot file?
I’m not clear on the problem. What would “a better workflow” and “better edges” be? It’s unclear what “better” means. What aspect are you looking to improve?