Duvidas para usar o progama

Minha primeira vez com o progama. Como faço para executar?
Executei dados no qcf90 da familia blupf90, e nesse progama saiu um documento no formato dot “qc_pedigree_loop.dot”. e na mensagem final do final do processo no qcf90 ele diz a seguinte mensagem: ">>> Diagnosis
** An animal is recongized as its ancestor. It means there is an loop**
** in pedigree list. The option --dot-file produces a “DOT” file to draw**
** pedigree image with GraphViz (http://www.graphviz.org/).**

Program halted."

Porém, ja tentei varias formas de como rodar e ainda não conseguir. Gostaria muito de saber como rodar o progama executando principalmente meus dados.

Here’s a translation if anyone knows how to help. And perhaps answer in Portuguese.

My first time with the program. How do I run it?

I executed data in the qcf90 of the blupf90 family, and in this program a document came out in the dot format “qc_pedigree_loop.dot”. and in the final message of the end of the process in qcf90 it says the following message: ">>> Diagnosis

** An animal is recongized as its ancestor. It means there is an loop**

** in pedigree list. The option --dot-file produces a “DOT” file to draw**

** pedigree image with GraphViz (http://www.graphviz.org/). **

Program halted."

However, I’ve tried several ways to run and still can’t do it. I would very much like to know how to run the program mainly running my data.

Please include an example program, embedded in 3 “`” characters (3 before and 3 after)

Google translate output: Se você está apenas tentando visualizar rapidamente um gráfico, Graphviz Visual Editor provavelmente é suficiente.

My message in English: If you are just trying to quickly view one graph, Graphviz Visual Editor is probably sufficient.