I’m trying to make a simple graph with vertically stacked nodes and and an edge looping back up from the bottom to the top. I’ve set a couple of invisible nodes on either side of the real ones and I can route the arrows through there. I only want the arrowheads on the last link in the path.
Here is my example:
digraph ESP4 {
node [shape="rectangle",style="rounded"]
subgraph clust_AS {
AS[label="Activity Selection"]
AS0 -> AS -> AS1 [style="invis"]
subgraph clust_EA {
EA[label="Evidence Accumulation"]
EA0 -> EA -> EA1 [style="invis"]
AS -> EA
AS0 -> EA0 [style="invis"]
AS1 -> EA1 [style="invis"]
EA -> EA1 [style="dashed", tailport="e", dir="none"]
EA1 -> AS1 [style="dashed", dir="none", splines="false"]
AS1 -> AS [style="dashed", headport="e"]
EA -> EA0 [style="dashed", dir="none"]
EA0 -> AS0 [style="dashed", dir="none", splines="false"]
AS0 -> AS [style="dashed"]
This yields an arrowhead going from EA to EA1, despite the dir="none"
attribute on that edge.
If I remove the tailport
attribute, then the arrowhead goes away, but the tail of the edge attaches to the NE corner of the EA node.
I’m running dot - graphviz version 2.43.0 (0)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.